37. cards on the table

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"-i don't think that's what molecular means," gina sighs as she looks through the flash cards

carlos knits his eyebrows together "what? no. i'm right."

"um, no, the flash cards say so." gina says with a fake smile, showing the boy the piece of card.

"well, your flash cards are wrong."

gina glares at him "these are my flash cards. they're not wrong."


"what's up guys?" nini asks with a small chuckle, sitting at the picnic table at the park

"carlos and gina are revising for their chemistry test next week," ej began

"but they're just arguing about what answer is right or wrong," oliver finishes

"aw, we finish each other's sentences!" ej beams, making oliver chuckle

"how cute," carlos gasped with fake enthusiasm, earning a glare from both boys.

"hey, you okay by the way?" gina asked suddenly, looking at nini

"what do you mean?"

"well, last night, with you and ricky and you left the party pretty angry." kourtney explained

nini opened her mouth "oh! that-"

"hey guys," ricky smiled as he arrived towards them, sitting next to the brunette girl and putting his arm around her

the girl smiled to herself while everyone else looked at the couple in confusion

"okay, wait did we miss something?" ashlyn asks

"again?" ej adds

"we talked about it," nini said with a light grin, shrugging her shoulders

"and it's all worked out," ricky finishes

"so...that's it?" seb said cautiously

"no shouting and screaming at each other and flipping over chairs and tables until you guys suddenly have the urge to make out?" carlos asks

everyone looks at him with raised eyebrows and he sighs

"what? i've seen enough movies and tv shows about this stuff to last a lifetime's worth of knowledge!" he defends

"okay, well, i brought food and it's in the car so me and nini are going to go get that," ricky announced, getting up from the table

"we are?" she asks

ricky gave her a look and she nodded

"yes we are." she said, standing up and taking his hand as they made their way away from their friends

"i give them about fifteen minutes before we go to get them and see that they're making out or something by the car," big red sighs, carlos and everyone else nodding in agreement as they continue on with what they were doing.

meanwhile, ricky and nini arrived to his large grey car, ricky opening the trunk as he moved around a few of his bags to get the box

"so...you want to tell me why you lured me over here?" nini asked

ricky rolled his eyes playfully "one: i needed help-" he hands her a box "carrying the food. and two-" he  takes a box and closes the trunk "you shouldn't have a reason for helping out one of your loved ones."

nini sighed with a small smile, putting the box under her arm while ricky smirked

"really?" she asked

ricky shrugged his shoulders "it was too easy."

nini hummed, nodding with a fake smile as he chuckled

"so. this isn't going to be weird right?" she asked

ricky shook his head "why would it be weird?"

nini raised her eyebrows "because you were the one who was weird if i recall."

"okay, in my defense-" he stopped, trying to think of something while nini just grinned

"can't think of anything bowen?" she asked with an amused expression

"in my defense...you're the most beautiful girlfriend i've ever had?" he said innocently

nini nodded, taking a step closer to him "i'm the only girlfriend you've ever had."

"well...you're going to be the last girlfriend i'll ever have." he whispers proudly

nini smiled, nodding "okay, i'll give you that one bowen."

ricky hummed before leaning in to kiss her and she happily kissed him back, the two pulling away at the same time as she opened her eyes

"i love you." he whispers

nini felt her heart flutter "i love you too."

ricky took a deep breath "we have a hungry group of friends back at the picnic table so i think we should get to them-"

"before red and gi kill us?" she finishes, ricky nodding


she laughs under her breath as they both start making their way back to the picnic table where the others were waiting

"hey, you know we should maybe make table the new way of saying i love you-"

"no. absolutely not." nini said, shaking her head

"so, you'll think about it." ricky nodded

"what is it with you and table being a code word?"

"it's practical because it can't be guessed!"

"we are not using table as our code word." nini sighed

"you chose the last word-"


ricky groans "fine. but next time we're doing my choice of word."

nini laughed as she tapped a hand on his shoulder "aw, babe. you're cute."

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