26. hidden reason

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ricky walked to school the next day, arriving at his locker as he opened it to prepare his books before he felt a sudden slap to the back of his head, causing him to duck and turn around

"ow! what the hell?!" he exclaimed, turning to see carlos, seb, ashlyn and ej all glaring at the boy.

"what the hell us? what the hell you!" carlos replied angrily

ricky blinked "huh?"

"when i get mad i don't make sense but don't play dumb with us richard taylor bowen." carlos said with a glare

"okay, what he means is," ashlyn interrupts, seeing as the short brown-haired boy was about to combust with anger "what the hell made you think it was a good idea or any sort of idea to ask lily alder to the homecoming dance?!"

ricky rolled his eyes "what? i can't ask the girl i want to take to the homecoming dance now?"

"you can which is why we're surprised." ej muttered

ricky clenched just jaw and shook his head "you all need to stop with me and nini. it's over, i don't like her, and i can do what i want. stop parenting me, stop parenting her, just leave us alone with our love lives!"

the group scoffed as they shook their heads

"look ricky, you can take your anger on us, and maybe even hate us for telling you all this all the time, but you know we're right. you like nini. you hurt her yeah, but you still have chances to fix it. stop screwing it up please." seb said as the group all walked off, leaving the boy at his locker

ricky sighed as he leaned back against the wall, rubbing his hands over his face as he sees nini arrive in the hall walking with big red and oliver.

he clenched his fists slightly before turning around quickly and closing his locker shut, walking towards them to leave the hallway but he bumps into the brown-haired boy accidentally.

"oh-sorry, man." oliver says apologetically with a smile

"watch where you're going." ricky snapped, nini scoffing while big red just widened his eyes slightly

"he said he was sorry." nini spoke up "what? does the king of the basketball team need us to bow down in his presence?"

ricky's eyes fell on her and she saw some type of different emotion in them...sadness? hurt? she didn't believe her instincts because-well, look where they brought her. so she ignored it.

the curly-haired boy swallowed as he rolled his eyes "not in the mood to hear another one of your 'grammy-winning' insults, roberts." he replied, glaring at oliver before making his way to his class.

nini knitted her eyebrows together when not hearing a comeback from him, turning around to watch him until he disappeared from sight. she wondered why he didn't act like a jerk as he usually would, but then again; it wasn't her place.

"well, he doesn't seem to like me," oliver pointed out, adjusting the strap of his bag

"oh, he doesn't like many people." nini muttered

"actually he has a lot of friends," big red hummed in thought

"well, he's not likable then," she corrected herself

"actually he also is the captain of the basketball team and-"

"dude i think that's where you stop talking," oliver whispered when seeing nini glare at him

the red-head nodded quickly, nini rolling her eyes as she took a deep breath to calm herself

"alright. i'm cool, calm, collected." she said to herself

"are you?" oliver asked

nini gave him a look, making the boy put his hands up in defense before the bell rang

"oh look at that we gotta go!" big red exclaimed, running down the hall along with the brown-haired boy.

nini shook her head with a small smile as she ran off down the hall towards her next class, the curly-haired boy still in the very deep end of her mind.

nini shook her head with a small smile as she ran off down the hall towards her next class, the curly-haired boy still in the very deep end of her mind

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