12. movie night

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"okay, which one?" carlos asked, holding up two nail polish bottles

ej knitted his eyebrows together "they're the same color...?"

kourtney shook her head "one's coral pink and one's baby pink."

ej shrugs his shoulders "uh-the right one?"

carlos and kourtney exchanged looks before nodding and picking the left one instead.

the group were all at gina's house for a movie night; kourtney and carlos were helping themselves to a makeover, ej was playing games on his phone while sitting on the beanbag, ashlyn, big red and gina were on her bed looking through old magazines and nini was looking for a movie while they all waited for ricky to come over from his basketball practice.

it had been two days since nini and ricky came up with their rules and they haven't really had to do anything together since, they do sort of get along now and though they didn't want to admit it, they found it easier and better...

a few minutes later, gina opened the door to ricky and he walked up towards gina's room where the others were

"finally!" ej exclaims "gina wouldn't let us watch a movie until you were here," he says with an eye roll

ricky chuckled as they all continued to do what they were doing as he slowly made his way over to the shelf where nini stood, looking for movies to choose from.

"hey," he breathed

nini looked up from the two dvd cases in her hands and put a small smile on her face "oh...hi."

ricky grinned at her before looking down at the cases "mulan then?"

nini looked back down at her hands "uh-i don't know, i mean, it's one of my favorites but i don't think i'm up for it."

"okay," ricky nodded as he looked through the book case before gasping "bolt!"

nini raised her eyebrows "what?"

ricky showed her the dvd "bolt. it used to be my favorite."

nini took the dvd from his hand and looked at it "it's about a famous dog who thinks he has superpowers." she summarized after reading the synopsis

ricky nodded excitedly, leaning against the bookcase "you've never watched it?"

nini shook her head "it seems weird."

"mulan has a talking dragon." he reminded her "trust me, you'll like it."

he took the dvd and nini folded her arms with a smirk "and if i don't?"

ricky looked at her and mirrored her expression, raising an eyebrow as he shrugged his shoulders "i don't know..."

she shook her head with a grin before carlos spoke up

"did you guys agree on a movie or are you arguing?" he asks hesitantly, his eyes focused on kourtney's nails

the two tore their gazes away from each other and looked back at the group before making their way towards the little couch, nini sitting down as ricky puts the dvd in.

throughout the movie, nini sat next to ricky and tried focusing on the screen, but in all honesty she didn't get the point of the movie.

gina had brought the snacks and nini held a bowl of popcorn as she leaned closer to ricky to whisper to him.

"wait-so-he still thinks he has powers?" she asks

ricky looks at her and chuckles under his breath "yeah, he thinks his owner gets in trouble but it's just an act,"

nini listens to the boy explain quietly and keeps her gaze on him before he looks over at her when he finished speaking

"what?" he asks quietly

she shook her head with a light grin "you seem to be very passionate about a cartoon dog," she jokes

ricky rolled his eyes playfully "says you and your disney obsession. the amount of times i've listened to you rant about the weird theories-"

"they're not weird! they're actually very-"

"if you guys are going to argue or debate or something can you at least do it while refilling the popcorn and getting more water?" ashlyn asks with a bright, innocent smile, ej nodding with his mouth full as he held out the empty bowl

ricky and nini exchanged looks before getting up, the girl taking the bowl from ej while they left the room and made their way towards the kitchen.

"well, that's too bad that i'm going to miss a bit of the movie," nini says with an exaggerated sigh, making ricky laugh as he puts some popcorn into the microwave

"you sound really disappointed." he smirks, turning around and leaning against the counter

"i just don't get what the hamster has to do with the entire plot." she exclaims "plus, there's something going on between that cat and the dog-"

"the cat and the dog?" he asks amused, raising an eyebrow

nini nodded "there's serious tension between them. and not the bad kind."

ricky shakes his head with a laugh and walks around to her "speaking of that,"

she raises an eyebrow as he walks closer to her "yes richard?"

"everyone's upstairs..." he trails off, taking a step closer as their a few inches away

nini looks up at him "they're watching the movie." she reminds him

"exactly," he shrugs, nini giggling softly as ricky starts leaning in for their lips to meet before the microwave alarm goes off, ricky groaning while nini just smiles

"i think you should get that." she whispers, the boy looking at her before turning to get the popcorn.

he prepares the bowl of food and places it on the counter before turning back to her

"okay," he says, walking towards her

nini folds her arms with a smirk "someone's needy."

"hey, i had a basketball practice, i deserve something good for my training." he tells her, leaning his face closer to her

she closed her eyes once their lips met and she smiled against him when feeling his arms slide around her waist before she forced herself to pull away with the same smirk

"which is why you probably need some rest," she whispers, tapping his cheek before taking the bowl and making her way towards the stairs, leaving a dumbfounded ricky in the kitchen...

"which is why you probably need some rest," she whispers, tapping his cheek before taking the bowl and making her way towards the stairs, leaving a dumbfounded ricky in the kitchen

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