19. wish that you had thought this through

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ricky groaned as he woke up with his head pounding and his anger and regret rushing through him

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ricky groaned as he woke up with his head pounding and his anger and regret rushing through him.

he heard his bedroom door open abruptly, looking up to see all of his friends piling in through.

"seriously, richard. talk. now!" ashlyn exclaims

"you kissed lily?!" gina yells

ricky groans "okay, gina-my head hurts, so could you please yell quietly?"

gina fakes a smile as she walks around to him and leans a little closer "why did you kiss lily?!" she shouts

ricky jumps and groans as he closes his eyes, bringing his hands up to his head in pain

"i don't know!' i-everything's fuzzy-"

"well, maybe un-fuzz it the best you can, because you basically cheated on nini." ej tells him

ricky knits his eyebrows together "wait-"

"yes, we know all about the kiss deal thing and the fact that it's the stupidest yet kinda cutest thing ever," carlos says

"i didn't cheat on nini," ricky says "we're not together and we made an entire deal-"

"well, does that mean you can go kissing the girl she hates the most? you don't even like lily." ashlyn says matter-of-factly

"i didn't kiss lily, i'm pretty sure she kissed me!" ricky exclaims "we were playing truth or dare or something and it was one of those drinking games and i got kinda out of it-"

"yeah, no kidding, you look like crap." kourtney mentions

ricky glares at her before sighing "i didn't think she'd post it-"

"well, nini's hurt ricky." gina says "like really hurt."

"yeah, she won't answer any of us." big red adds

ricky quickly takes his phone and presses nini's contact info, putting the device to his ear as he listened to it ring.

he sighed when it ended, no answer from her coming through as he got up, ignoring the pounding in his head as he made his way towards his closet

"what are you doing?" ej asks

"i'm going to her house to check on her," he says simply

"no, you're not." kourtney tells him

ricky stops and turns around "what?"

"ricky, you were her first kiss, you continued on with this deal for the next month and a half, and then when she-" gina gets cut off by ej lightly nudging her to stop talking and she swallows before taking a deep breath "when she was okay with how things were going between you two and you both get along, you go and pull something like this. do you really think you're the person she wants to see right now?"

"no but-"

"you have to give her space, dude." big red says

ricky shakes his head "look, i have to explain to her-"

"okay, let me ask this because i'm confused right now," carlos begins, folding his arms "if you didn't 'cheat on nini' because of this 'deal' between you two where you're only 'friends' and have 'no feelings' for each other-"

"carlos, take it easy with the air quotes," kourtney says with a light chuckle

the boy shakes his head with a sigh "why is it so urgent that you go and explain something? unless-"

"unless what?" ricky questioned

"unless you like her." seb finishes

the boy scoffed "i don't like nini-"

"so, you're telling me if she went on a date with another guy or kissed another guy and you found out the same way she did, you wouldn't be the slightest jealous and you wouldn't care at all?" ashlyn asked

ricky sighed as he sat down on his bed and looked straight in front of him, clenching his jaw.

"you have to talk to her on monday ricky," kourtney says

he takes a deep breath "she hates me doesn't she?"

gina shakes her head "she doesn't. that's why you should make it right."

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