27. perfectly okay

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friday night came around, also known as homecoming night, and the girls rushed around to get ready up in nini's room.

the brunette girl was already changed and she had her makeup done, her hair was up in a messy sort of bun and she stood by her window where her bag was, getting all of her necessities in.

she took a deep breath as she glanced at the window, seeing the perfect view of ricky's house. her mind was going to the night she had her first kiss and she felt her heart sink, but she shook her head, forcing herself to not think like that. she had to have ricky out of her mind.

"alright, are we ready?" kourtney asks excitedly "you all look perfect!"

the girls all nodded, ashlyn blushing slightly from the compliment.

"okay, let's get this show on the road." gina beams as they made their way downstairs where oliver, seb, carlos, ej and big red were waiting.

"where's the king of the hour?" nini asked sarcastically as she went arrived downstairs. she knew he was supposed to be coming with them as well. it didn't mean she liked it, but she's had to deal with things like this her entire life.

the group all became nervous as they glanced at each other before ej spoke up

"he's-meeting us there..."

nini shrugged her shoulders before her moms arrived, seeing them with cameras and big smiles

"alright! stand in a line to take a few pictures," carol beams

"a few moms," nini confirms with a raised eyebrow, making the women chuckle as they all take their pictures, also each of them taking a few pictures on their phones to keep.

"a few moms," nini confirms with a raised eyebrow, making the women chuckle as they all take their pictures, also each of them taking a few pictures on their phones to keep

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