20. good 4 u

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nini woke up on a monday morning feeling her heart in the pit of her chest. she'd deleted the song she posted from her instagram, not needing any more embarrassment than she had already felt, and she spent the entire weekend cooped up in her room, ignoring her friends' calls and texts and making sure her moms didn't let anyone come over to see her.

humiliated, hurt; she felt like her heart had been torn. it was definitely not a familiar feeling and certainly not something she ever wanted to get used to.

she arrived to school with her heart thumping against her chest and her face pale, making her way down the halls as she gripped onto her backpack straps.

"please don't be here, please don't be here," she muttered as she took a turn in the less-crowded hallway where her locker stood, sighing in relief when not seeing any of her friends there.

she quickly made her way towards the locker and opened it up, putting her bag in as she took her phone and needed-books out before turning her device on and swiping up, her heart dropping when realizing she still had the instagram post she'd seen open.

looking at the picture, she felt her eyes stinging with every second she stared at it.

"not again nini," she scolded herself as she took a short, tense breath and switched her phone off, putting it into her locker as she slammed it shut and made her way towards her first class.

as she took a turn in the hallway, she shook her head to herself when realizing that her feelings were rising again, but she forced herself to push them back down.

the class door was a hallway away, and nini was walking at a quick pace to avoid having to see or talk to anyone.

though of course, the universe wasn't really on her side at this moment in time, and she froze in her tracks when she saw the curly-haired boy wearing his lettermen jacket as he looked at her.

nini felt her breath caught in her throat and she quickly turned around, clutching her books and papers against her chest as she rushed down the hall, deciding on going the long way to class.

"nini!" ricky exclaims "nini, wait!"

she closed her eyes as she tries to get away from him, ignoring his calls as he followed her through the halls before she bumps into someone and all her papers and books fall to the ground.

"s-sorry," she stammers to the person before bending down to the floor and trying to pick her stuff up.

ricky quickly bent down in front of her as the bell rang, trying to help her with her stuff as he looked at her


"the party looked fun." she swallowed, keeping her eyes on her papers as she sorted through them "y-you looked like you had fun-but," she laughed bitterly "then again, that photo lily posted of you two didn't really let me see much since she was practically devouring your face-"

ricky felt his heart drop and shook his head "let me explain-"

"explain what?" she questioned, finally looking up at him "we're not together or anything. we're friends, right? you don't owe me anything."

she quickly reaches for the book he held in his hands and stands up, rushing off down the hall as ricky watched her with a heavy sigh before he ran his hands over his face.

he turned around as he walked towards his class, and throughout the rest of the day, never being able to talk to nini or even catch sight of her.

nini walked out of her school, her head down as she tried to make her way home.

she made her way down the steps of the school entrance before bumping into someone and hearing a gasp

"sorry," she mumbled as she sniffed and heard a scoff

"you really need to watch where you're going."

nini looked up to see none other than lily standing there in her east high cheer uniform, her blonde hair in a high ponytail and nini felt herself suddenly become small for the first time in her presence.

she just adjusted her strap and took a deep breath, trying to walk past her before lily stood in her way

"let me through please," nini said frustratedly, not wanting to argue with anyone or even talk to anybody today.

"you seemed upset, is something wrong?" lily asked with fake sympathy written on her face

nini rolled her eyes "i don't need this today-"

"we missed you at the party," lily continued "i mean, i don't know if ricky did too much, seeing as he was a little...preoccupied."

nini felt her stomach turn and blinked a few times before taking a deep breath

"good for you." she choked out before pushing past the blonde girl and rushing down the pavement.

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