15. talk about it

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nini arrived at her locker at the end of the day, nervously trying to open her locker as she fumbled with the lock, her hands slipping as she felt herself getting overwhelmed.

she was convincing herself that she wasn't feeling anything romantic towards ricky. she didn't think straight when she wrote that. it was just a spur of the moment...he said all of those nice things to her and it got to her head. that was it.

"hey girl,"

"gah!" nini exclaimed in fright, jumping as she turned around to be met with carlos, kourtney, ashlyn and ej standing there in confusion with their eyebrows raised

"you okay there?" ej asked with a small chuckle

nini swallowed and laughed nervously "uh-sorry, just-jumpy i guess..."

"where'd you go during our free?" ashlyn asked "i thought we were going to go over the musical pieces miss jenn gave us,"

nini turned back around to try and open her locker "yeah-i-i needed a little break to think about-something."

"do you need help with your locker?" kourtney asks, noticing how the brunette girl was struggling to open it up

"i'm good." nini said shortly, continuing to fiddle with her lock before she finally opened it up.

"hey guys, can you explain to gina that color can be spelt in two ways?"

nini tensed slightly when she heard ricky's voice, the others chuckling while gina groaned

"it doesn't make sense? why would they want to add a letter? and a u? i don't get it!" she exclaimed in frustration

"well, nini spells it both ways," carlos reminds them

"you do?" ricky asks confused, leaning against the locker next to hers

nini's eyes continually shifts her eyes back and forth from the inside of her locker to the boy before she grabbed her book and slammed the locker door shut, making her friends jump in surprise

"i'm gonna be late." she announces, clutching her books towards her chest as she rushed down the hall.

"what's up with her?" ricky asks confused

"beats me," ej says

"i'll go talk to her," ashlyn says, gesturing to the girls as they all made their way after the brunette girl.

they ran down the hall and quickly took a turn, seeing nini a few steps away

"okay, what's up?" kourtney asks suddenly, nini having to stop in her tracks when they arrive in front of her

"what-do you mean?" she asks

"well, if you didn't know, you're a little weird and jumpy," ashlyn explains

nini sighs and puts in a smile "i'm fine."

"mhm," gina hums, folding her arms and raising an eyebrow

the girl looks around them and takes a deep breath "it's nothing for you guys to worry about, okay?"

"that usually means that it's something important," gina adds, ashlyn and kourtney nodding.

"i'm going to ask this: does it have something to do with a curly-haired basketball player?" ashlyn asks her

nini froze and opened her mouth "w-whaaat? no!"

"okay girl, spill right now." kourtney demands, ashlyn and gina looking at nini intently

nini shook her head "if i say it out loud, then i'll have to deal with it. and i don't want to deal with it right now because then it'll make everything all the more complicated because of the rules and we signed them and-"

"wait, slow down-what rules?" ashlyn questioned

nini opened her mouth, no words coming out of it before kourtney raised her finger and pointed at the brunette girl

"wait a minute-" she said slowly "ricky wasn't alone in that storage closet was he?"

ashlyn's jaw dropped open, gina still completely confused while nini's face turned bright red.


"you and ricky?!" ashlyn exclaims

"wait WHAT?!" gina yelled

"shhhhh!" nini breathes as she grabbed her friends' arms and they rushed towards a corner in the hallway "it's not what you think-"

"you and ricky are together?" kourtney questioned

"no!" nini quickly replied "no. we're not together. we just-we're friends-"

"with benefits?" gina finished with a smirk

"no." nini shook her head "we just-kissed. a few times..."

"and how many times is a few?" kourtney asked, folding her arms

nini looked up to think as she counted the different times her and ricky met up or snuck a couple moments together these past weeks before her friends let out breathy laughs

"okay, if you have to think about it, it's way more than a few." ashlyn tells her "how the hell did you go from not wanting to try out for the musical because you haven't had your first kiss to continuously kissing the same guy?"

nini sighs "it's just-he came over to my house the day i stayed home after we fought and he told me he never had his first kiss either-"

"he hadn't kissed anyone?" kourtney asked confused

"hypocrite, i know," nini nodded before swallowing "so-we came up with a deal that we would just kiss each other to get it out of the way - no feelings involved whatsoever - and then next thing i know it just became something we do so that we can get along..."

the three girls blinked a few times before gina spoke up.

"well that's just about the stupidest thing i have ever heard." she said

nini rolled her eyes "we wrote rules to follow. so it was under control!"

"hun, the heart doesn't follow rules." kourtney explained, ashlyn looking at her before nodding.

"but-it's supposed to be easy to follow!" nini defended "we don't tell anyone-"

"well, you broke that rule," ashlyn said

nini glared at her before continuing "it's for us to get along, and no feelings involved. and if one of us does start to have-feelings for each other, then we say the word daffodil and then it stops."

the three girls looked at their friend with their mouths slightly open, a small smile on their faces.

"you wrote daffodil on your rant account." gina reminds her "that's what it meant! you like him!"

"it was a spur of the moment!" nini said shaking her head "i don't-i can't like richard bowen, okay? he just-said these nice things and made me feel better after lunch-"

"and why do you think he said those nice things to you?" ashlyn asked "you guys have been smitten with each other these past few weeks."

nini scoffed "he's smitten with every other girl in the school,"

"but he's only been sucking faces with one girl in this school these past few weeks and that's you," kourtney reminds her

the girl sighed "guys, i've already told you it was-"

"a deal you both made yeah okay, you signed a contract blah blah blah," gina breathes with an eye-roll "doesn't change the fact that he's probably grown feelings for you to. just talk to him."

nini looked down before gasping "or, i could hint it so that i could save the humiliation and embarrassment of telling him."

"i don't think-"

the girls get cut off by the bell ringing, nini quickly rushing past them

"hey-we're not done talking about this!" gina yelled after her

"seems like it to me!" nini replied, not realizing that she passed a certain blonde-haired girl that had been listening in on the conversation.

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