07. by your window

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nini played her keyboard aimlessly that night, her mind not being able to be off of the topic that she talked about with ricky. well - argued.

she frustratedly banged the keys loudly and exhaled loudly, running her hands through her hair before she nervously but her nails.

embarrassed and hurt. she felt embarrassed and hurt.

everything ricky said was going through her mind and she couldn't help but think that he was right. she just wasn't enough for anyone to stick around long enough for her...

she sighed and cursed under her breath before hearing the doorbell ring downstairs, getting up from her bed and making her way down.

once she opened the door though, she felt the pure anger rush through her veins when seeing the curly-haired boy standing on her porch.

nini scoffed "i don't have time for this right now."

she tried closing the door but ricky stopped her "nini wait-"

"go home ricky!" she exclaimed before pushing the door shut

ricky sighed loudly, cursing under his breath as he looked around the house desperately before making his way around her house and towards the tree that lead to her window.

meanwhile, nini was back up in her room, still infuriated by ricky's sudden stop to her house.

she didn't know why he was here. he's never willingly come to see or check on her, so she had no other thought of the possibility as to why he came - apart from maybe just to make fun of her a little more.

nini sat back down onto her bed and flipped through her notebook before hearing a knock at her window, looking up to see movement behind her curtains

she nervously got up and slowly made her way towards her window, opening the curtains and rolling her eyes when she saw ricky sitting on the roof.

she opened her window, an annoyed look on her face "if you're here to clap at me again, i am really not in the mood for it-"

"i just want to talk." he says, putting his hands up in defense

nini clenched her jaw and folded her arms, inhaling sharply "talk."

"okay," he breathed "about what i said yesterday in the car, i'm sorry-"

nini rolled her eyes in disbelief, taking a deep breath as he kept going.

"it was too far and about the first kiss thing-"

"you want to rub that in my face too right?" she snapped

"no." ricky replied, shaking his head "i get that i was out of line with that. really."

nini knitted her eyebrows together "you get that?"

ricky chuckled nervously "yeah..."

suddenly it hit her and she looked at him in disbelief "you've-never kissed anyone?"

ricky shrugged his shoulders "why get into specifics?"

"because it's hypocrisy." she replied

he sighed "i said i was sorry."

"but you were right." nini mumbled, sitting on the windowsill "no guy ever thinks i'm worth to go that far with. i just wish i could get it over and done with."

ricky nodded "me too."

nini scoffed "you have lily and those girls who wouldn't hesitate to help you out." she said sarcastically

"yeah but they're-too much." he told her in a slightly annoyed voice

they both sat in silence for a few seconds before ricky thought of an idea, looking at nini hesitantly before returning his attention to his lap.

taking notice of it, nini knitted her eyebrows together "what?"

ricky shook his head quickly "nothing."

"tell me!" she exclaims

"it's not important-"

"bowen." she said firmly with a glare, ricky looking back at her before sighing.

"i was just thinking that-well-i haven't kissed anyone, you haven't kissed anyone...and-we just want to get it over and done with..." he trails off

nini looked at him, blinking a few times as she thought about what he was saying "wait-so, you're saying that-we should kiss?"

ricky shakes his head with a playful scoff "it's a crazy idea right?"

the girl took a deep breath "no."

ricky looked at her in slight disbelief, his eyebrows raised as a small smirk started to grow on his face, making nini speak up quickly

"but before you get a big head, this is only to get it out of the way." she said firmly

ricky nodded "yes. yeah-exactly."

"and we have to promise that once this is over, we both go back to hating each other like nothing ever happened."

"and no one can know." he added

"no one." she agrees

nini takes a deep breath and moves a little closer to ricky, the boy looking around them in slight confusion.

"uh-so-do i just-lean in?" he asks

"i think that's how a kiss works." she told him

"okay smart mouth." he mutters

"you know this isn't really how the mood of a first kiss would go-"

"well it wouldn't be like this if you didn't-"

"are you going to kiss me or not?" she asks in frustration, ricky rolling his eyes in response before he looked into her eyes

he took a deep breath and slowly leaned in closer to her, nini's eyes involuntarily dropping to his mouth before back up to his eyes before the gap between them was no longer there.

the two of them instantly closed their eyes and felt warmth flood through them at the contact of each other.

they pulled away at the same time, not knowing what to say as they stared back at each other

ricky exhaled slowly and swallowed "uh-that-that was-"

"g-good." nini breathed quietly "uh-g-good work-"

"yeah you too..."

they both stay there in silence before ricky slowly got up from the windowsill

"i should go-"

"yeah." she says as she stands up and watches ricky slowly climb down the tree that stood outside her window "hey bowen."

ricky jumped to the ground and looked up at her "yeah?"

"i hate you." she says with a smirk

ricky shakes his head with a light grin as he buried his hands in his hoodie pockets "i hate you too."

nini watched as he walked away into the night before she closed her window, turning around as she let out a small breath.

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