25. confused secret

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"i'm so happy you came to your senses," kourtney sighed as they looked through a rack of fancy dresses in another shop

nini nodded her head "yes i know kourt,"

"so, what changed your mind?" gina asked

"oliver actually," she answered, looking through a few dresses that caught her attention

"he's cute," ashlyn said, earning a look from kourtney before the red-head rolled her eyes playfully

"he's really cute," gina corrected "did he ask you or something?"

nini shook her head "no, he just told me that i shouldn't let him get to me. which i'm not going to obviously,"

"well, he's right." kourtney told her "plus, none of us have dates, so we're all going as a group and you won't feel down."

"can we go get ice cream now?" ej's voice popping in boredom as he leaned against the wall

"i thought we said you could come if you shut your mouth and let us focus." gina sighed

"i'm sorry but this is so boring. plus that color won't suit you," he tells the girl, who simply glared at him as she put back a dress

"shouldn't you be shopping for a tuxedo or something?" ashlyn asks

"i already have mine ready. who do you think i am?" he asks dramatically, making the girls chuckle before he takes a deep breath "but yes i agree with everything the girls are saying and if you want my opinion-"

"we really don't," gina said with a smile, ej faking a laugh

"drop ricky and get with oliver," ej said, everyone raising their eyebrows

"what?" ashlyn laughed

"have you seen him?!" ej questioned "if you don't pick him, i will."

nini shook her head with a chuckle as she took a pink dress "yes or no?"

"definitely yes," kourtney nodded

she nodded as she put it gently over her arm and continued looking for a few other dresses

"okay, but on a serious note, is oliver single?" ej asked

"weren't you taking a liking to a guy from the basketball team literally a week ago?" kourtney asked confused

"this guy waits for no man or woman," ej said "plus...he might have been a teensie-bit straight."

"well, you know what they say, eighty-third time's a charm!" gina exclaims, earning a glare from the boy

nini chuckled as she took another blue dress to try on "i don't know if he's single, but i texted him to come with us to homecoming since we're going as a group.

"and you are my favorite friend." ej beams, making the girls laugh

"okay, i'm gonna go try these on," nini says before making her way towards the changing rooms

"you haven't told her have you?" ej asks quietly, raising his eyebrows after he made sure the brunette girl was out of sight

"what? of course not! otherwise she definitely wouldn't have come!" ashlyn whispers

"she deserves to know." he sighs

"she'll only get more hurt." kourtney defends

"and she'll be perfectly fine when she sees ricky walk into prom and dance with lily all night?"

"that's not what we meant." gina replied

"it's what's going to happen." ej told them

"we can't let her miss homecoming over ricky having no brain cells." kourtney said

"i know," the boy sighs "does anyone even know why he asked the demon?"

"no but i'm afraid to ask." ashlyn said

"afraid to ask what?"

the four turned around swiftly and gasped when they saw nini walking towards them wearing her pink dress with off-shoulder sleeves. it fit her frame perfectly.

"you look amazing girl!" kourtney exclaims

nini knitted her eyebrows, noticing how they were acting a little off "thanks...are you guys okay?"

"yeah! we were just saying...how...um-" ej looked over at gina for help and she quickly spoke up

"uhhh-how-we were afraid to ask-the...shop lady! the price of a dress!" gina exclaimed, holding up the yellow dress she held in her hand

"isn't the price written on the tag?" nini asked confused, looking around her

"uh-the tag was missing...?" ashlyn added

nini nodded as she shrugged her shoulders "oh okay." she twirled around in her dress and smiled "so, what do we think?"

"perfect!" gina exclaims happily

the girl beamed at them "yeah i think this is the one i should get,"

the group all nodded before nini went back towards the changing room, all of them exhaling as they exchanged worried looks.

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