34. caught yet wondering

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"party at ashlyn's house!" carlos exclaims "everyone's invited!"

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"party at ashlyn's house!" carlos exclaims "everyone's invited!"

the group all laughed as people in the crowded hallway made their way towards the exit, while nini just made her way towards the dressing rooms to get her stuff.

she packed her bag and put her hoodie over her long-sleeved shirt, adjusting her hair as she looked into the mirror to see the curly-haired boy walking in

"hey," she smiles, zipping her bag up and putting it over her shoulder

"just wanted to make sure you weren't overthinking about anything about the performance," he grins, making his way over to her

nini shook her head as she turned around to face him "as you can see, i'm all good."

"yeah." ricky nodded, looking at her for a few seconds

the girl raised her eyebrows and she chuckled "what?"


"why are you looking at me like that bowen?" she asked with a playful smirk, folding her arms "am i just that amazing?"

ricky shook his head with a playful eye-roll "don't flatter yourself roberts."

she made her way towards him as he took her hand in his and they both made their way out of the dressing room and towards the exit of the school.

ricky had felt a little off these past few days, nini knew he wasn't acting like his normal self. she'd always catch him looking at her when she was doing something and she would always throw little jokes at him but he'd just let it slide off sometimes, not even giving her a reply.

she could tell in the car he was thinking about something but decided to leave it, seeing as it probably was just him thinking about another one of his basketball games that he had coming up at the end of the year.

"there you guys are!" gina exclaimed when seeing the couple enter the living room "what took you guys so long?"

"i had to get my stuff," nini replied as they sat down next to each other on the couch.

"code for making out," ej coughed out, clearing his throat as oliver chuckled beside him.

"no we didn't actually," ricky said "but we can now if you want-"

she got cut off by groans and ew no's as responses from her friends, the two laughing satisfied with how they handled the situation.

"hey, you wanna go somewhere quieter?" nini whispered, looking at her boyfriend once everyone was having conversations of their own. another crucial thing she's noticed is that they never really had moments alone because of how he's been acting.

the boy opened his mouth before closing it and clearing his throat "actually, i was thinking of going to get us a drink while you catch up with the others, you want something?" he asks as he stands up

nini knitted her eyebrows "um-sure...?"

"okay. cool." he nodded, making his way into the kitchen and away from her

ej, big red, carlos and seb all exchanged looks before getting up "we're thirsty-"

"wow los-"

"not that kind!" carlos groaned, making the girls laugh

"we'll get a few drinks," ej said "ollie, you coming?"

"oh-uh-okay?" he said hesitantly, standing up and following the boys towards the kitchen

"what's up with them?" ashlyn asks confused

"i have no idea," nini muttered, looking back at the entrance of the kitchen to see ricky pouring himself a drink while talking to the boys.

"hey, neens you okay?" kourtney asked

the girl looked away from the kitchen and to her friends, swallowing as she nodded "yeah...just tired."

"of course you are, seeing as you did amazingly well in the performance today." gina grinned

nini shook her head with a small smile as she fiddled with her fingers "it was pretty cool."

"cool? you perfected it." ashlyn nodded

nini took a deep breath and turned around again, seeing ricky shaking his head as he paced and continued speaking with the others

"neens, you sure you're okay?" kourtney asked again

"does ricky seem off to you?" she questioned, her eyes still on the boy

the girls all looked towards the kitchen before shrugging their shoulders

"not as weird as usual." gina replied "why?"

nini took a deep breath, looking away from the kitchen and shaking her head "never mind."

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