29. rainfall

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she ran towards the entrance of the house and heard footsteps, the curly-haired boy's voice rising


"look, bowen i'm really not in the mood for this right now okay?" she told him angrily "go in there and be with lily for all i care-"

"who said anything-"

"oh please! you kiss lily, you ask lily to homecoming and you sit with lily during the after-party-don't you sense a sort of pattern?"

"yeah and flirting with oliver at your locker and sitting with him on your front porch after school is fine." he replied "yeah, i saw you." he answered her silent question when he saw her surprised expression.

"oliver is my friend. who likes ej and he was helping me and not trying to shove his tongue down my throat-"

"is that really all you ever think about?!" he questioned

"seeing as you basically cheated, yeah! it is!" she yelled before turning around and leaving the house, ricky scoffing as he followed her outside.

"cheated on you?!" he asked "really?"

nini turned around as a drop of rain fell from the sky, facing him in frustration

"i didn't cheat on you nini. what we were doing was a deal." he told her firmly "a secret for us to get along, no feelings involved. you made it perfectly clear that you would never fall or go for me even if i was the 'last person on earth'"

"oh my god!" nini exclaimed frustrated "that was at the beginning! then i avoided you because i was starting to feel...something for you! you were confusing me with all the little ways you'd find to kiss me in the hall or to spend time with me between classes and during free periods - and i thought maybe you cared. but then i had to go on instagram to land on a post where i saw you kissing another girl?! how do you think that made me feel?"

"you never let me explain that!" he groaned in frustration as the drops of rain fell from the sky, but they were too annoyed at each other and determined to finish this argument to care at the moment.

"there was nothing to explain!" she yelled back "it would've all ended with lies anyway."

"oh, so only one of us is a liar now?" he questioned with a scoff, taking a step towards her

"what's that supposed to mean?" she questioned, staring back at him

"it means you lied back in there when we were playing truth or dare," he tells her

nini felt her heart racing and their faces were now inches apart. she felt his heavy breathing fan her face  and kept her front up as the rain fell around them

"you don't know what you're talking about." she said in a shaky voice, trying to stand her ground

"really?" he asked "fine then. for real this time: truth or dare nini, how do you really feel about me?"

nini kept her eyes on his as he searched her face, the girl blinking a few times before shaking her head

"i'm can't do this." she breathed as she turned around and hugged herself, walking down the sidewalk

ricky shook his head and followed her "can't or won't?"

she kept walking and sighed with a bitter laugh while he kept talking

"no, really." he continued "why do you always run?"

"i run?" she questioned, turning around to face him in anger

stolen kiss || rini auWhere stories live. Discover now