21. wrong direction

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"hurt me with your worst intentions," nini sang quietly as she pressed the keys of her keyboard "didn't even stop to question, every time you burned me down don't know how for a moment it felt like heaven,"

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"hurt me with your worst intentions," nini sang quietly as she pressed the keys of her keyboard "didn't even stop to question, every time you burned me down don't know how for a moment it felt like heaven,"

she stopped and took a deep breath, looking up from her notebook as her gaze fell on the window a few steps away

her heart sank when she remembered how it felt kissing ricky for the first time. it was supposed to just be something to help them get their first kiss out of the way. no strings attached.

but she liked it. a lot. something inside of her just made her happy when he was with her and when they had to sneak off together. it was fun, and exciting; she thought he felt it too...

now she doesn't get how she didn't think logically or how she could've been so naive. she should've known better. the ricky she always hated and argued with over the smallest things never went away. she honestly wasn't surprised about how the party went down, but that didn't mean it hurt any less. she wanted to believe that he maybe wouldn't have done anything.

but she was wrong. and when she thought about it even more, she realized how she didn't really have a right to be hurt, they weren't anything more than friends and the deal wasn't anything more than what they made it out to be. at least to him.

now, she had to push all those feelings away and get over herself. she fell for the wrong guy and now she has to help herself to get out of it and move on. she had to tell herself that she was okay and that she wasn't thinking right because why would it have worked? they hated each other. you can't go from hating each other one minute, then being crazy in love the next. it doesn't work like that. it was all in her head.

nini felt her eyes sting and looked back down at her keys as she softly placed her hands before shakily opening her mouth to sing

"and it's so gut wrenching," she sings quietly "falling in the wrong direction."

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