Chapter 1

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Technoblade stared at the Puppeteer in front of him. He had seen him many times before. The empty void around them made it much more creepier to be in. The Blood Gad had always hated seeing the Puppeteer. He knows all about the deals he had made many times before. The Puppeteer had always tricked people into doing his bidding, he was much more stronger than the Blood God could ever be.

"What do you want, Puppeteer?" Technoblade asked.

"Please, Technoblade, call me Dream. I mean it is my real name." Dream said, taking off his mask and looking at Techno.

His green eyes were very bright and glowed. Techno had always never liked Dream. Dream had always tried to get him to do deals with him a lot.

Techno's long hair fell down his shoulder. He saw a small braid that was made. It had a band that he had seen before. It was something that Tommy had made once. Then, why did Techno have it.

"I'm guessing you don't know why you're here?" Dream had creepy grin on.

Techno grabbed his chest, it was tight and sore. "The last thing I remember is giving Tommy my stuff and me losing my life. I'm guessing you want me to make a deal with me?"

"You know me too well, Technoblade." Dream walked over to Techno and put his hand on his shoulder. "Please sit down."

Dream waved his hand and a room suddenly appeared. It was like they were in a small cabin. It was a small room with a fireplace off to the side. Two chairs sat in front of the fireplace and were facing each other. Dream sat down on one of the chairs and Techno sat down on the other. Dream placed his mask down on the side the chair and smiled at the Blood God.

"What do you want, Dream?" Techno snarled.

"Well, gods aren't supposed to die now, are they?" Dream said mischievously.

"Just get this 'meeting' done and over with." Techno told Dream.

"Oh come on, Techno. Can't two gods just talk with each other?"

Techno didn't answer and just scuffed.

"Fine, I guess I'll just cut to the chase." Dream stood up and reached out to Techno. "I can grant you immortality again. If you want to go back to your life, you can. You can go back home and see Tommy once again."

Techno stood up and looked Dream straight into the eyes. "Don't you dare involve Tommy in any of your stupid deals. I know your tricks and deals. I know how you work."

Dream put up his hands and giggled. Techno got more and more angry. He hated watching him laugh in front of him. The god always knew how to get on his bad side.

"Oh come on, Techno. Do you want to hurt him?" Dream pointed away from the two.

Techno looked where Dream was pointing to. His face changed to scared when he saw the person. There sat Tommy, he was wearing Techno's cape and crown. Tommy cradled himself back and forth, silently sobbing. Techno ran over to Tommy and went to hug him. He fazed straight through Tommy. Techno turned around and saw Tommy still sitting there crying.

"Tommy..." Techno tried to place his hand on Tommy's shoulder, but it fazed through once again.

"Technoblade, if you want to go back, you just have to tell me." Techno could tell that Dream was smiling through his words.

Tommy started to glitch and fade away. Techno tried to grab him once again, but failed. He looked down at his hands. He just really wanted to hug Tommy. 

Techno clenched his teeth. He knew what he had to do. He knew what dream was trying to get him to do. Dream was gonna succeed at it.

"Fine, I'll accept your stupid deal." Techno didn't face Dream.

"Alright then, you must know somethings though." Dream walked over and in front of Techno. "The voices will be much more louder and people will fear you more, even Tommy. I mean they did watch you die and they are gonna see you back to life."

"I don't care anymore." Techno said, standing up and looking at Dream. "I just want to see Tommy again."

Dream held out his hand. Techno grabbed it and he was hit with a big shock. It turned light in and it was too bright for him to see anything. He could feel it go from warm to cold. Light soon surrounded him and then it turned dark. The sound of water running soon came and a small breeze as well. He could feel the sunshine above him.

Techno's eyes slowly fluttered open. The sunrise above him was blinding. He quickly blocked the sun and sat up. That's when he realized what was going on.


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