Chapter 4

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Techno sat up in bed. He was all sweaty from his sleep. When he looked around, it was still dark out. The fire still was lit in front of him. Everything felt so strange around him. Nothing felt like he had seen it before, but he has. He could see Drista still sleeping soundly in her tent. It felt like someone was here as well. It felt like someone was watching them.


Technoblade grabbed his head. That wasn't anyone of his voices. The voices were silent and didn't speak at all. So why could he hear another one? This voice was creepy and deep. Why was it hear?

"Who are you?" Techno asked quietly to not wake up Drista.

Ï̸̙͔̠͍͓̄̅ ̷͔̰̠̈́̂́̾̍͆̉̄̽́͝͝s̶̫͚̥͌̅̍͒̅͐̓̑̂̅e̴̢̤̤̝̜̩̖͕͚̎͛̿͜e̵̡̜̤̜̦͈̘̘̠͔̠̓̉̍ ̶̢̢͉͇̲̬̖̻̎̽ͅÿ̵̙̝́̅͗̇ȯ̶̧̜͈͚̜̪̣͋́̐͆̾̏̇͂͛̈͘͜ủ̵̲̠̲̙̠͚̦͙̒ ̷̜̹͔̞͉̳͓̹͕̟̼͒̋̍͆́͆̚ͅf̷͍̞̞͇̺̔̈́͑̀͋̈͆͛͝ơ̸̼̰̘͌̊͂͌̂͋̀͐͝͝ṵ̶̡͌́ņ̴̢̡̥͇̣̳̯̹̘͍͛̽̀́̒͠d̷̮͒ ̵̫͖͓̠̝̬̯̭͍̠̭̫̒̉̏ͅṃ̵̛̬͓̳͉̮̣̭̆̓͂̿̑́͛̀͛͜͠y̵̨̠̥̱̌ ̷̺̘͚͖͙̹̉̔̀͆̍͠͝l̵̛̝̩͖̦̪͎͉̝̭̗̦͂̆̐͒̏̕̚̕͝ĭ̸͍̹̳̄̈́̐͝͝t̸̝̬̬͎̘̣͎̻̤̝͚̆̍̈̐t̸̡̝͓̘̝͒̍̎̈l̸̥͛̆̏̀̓̓̌͘e̷̬͍͓̜̘̙̝̗͙̯͋ ̶̧͍̦͔̟̖̉͋͝͝͠s̷̢̛̳̼͇̙̩͙͖̳͔͔͚͌̈̂̑̈́ī̸̢̲̦̐̒́̔̂͆̈́̀͝s̵̢͕̱͚̰̲̠͓̼̀͐̇̾̉́̈́͘t̶̢̲̹͖̭̰̘̹̩̠̋̏̏͒̏͋̔͘ę̴̘̩͕͖̜͋̋͆͐̓̐̍̚̚ŕ̷̮̥̽

Techno looked at the little girl asleep in her tent. She slept soundly. He knew who was talking to him, it was Dream. Dream had found his little sister.

"What do you want from me?" Techno asked, his teeth clenching.

The man himself appeared in front of Techno. The shadows had formed his body. His white mask covered Dream's face, but he pulled it out. Dream looked over at his younger sister and started to walk towards her. 

Techno tried to stand up and run over to him. His legs were too weak to let him stand. Every time he stood up, his legs would give out underneath him. That gave Dream enough time to get to Drista. 

"Leave her alone!" Techno said, still trying not to wake her up.

Dream grabbed his little sister and held her in his arms. His glowing green eyes met Techno's red ones. A grin appeared across his face. 

"She's my little sister, Technoblade." Dream said. "I promised to protect her from anything that might come of harm to her. She was the one that ran off. Do you know how long it took to finally find her. I was so worried. Wouldn't you know what it was like to lose someone that was close to you?"

Techno looked down in shame. He had never felt the pain of losing someone he cared about. He had never let himself care for someone too much, during his entire lifetime. Tommy was the only thing he cared about now. And Techno was afraid to lose him too.

His red eyes started to glow. "Drop her now."

"Or what?" Dream asked Technoblade. "You are too weak to fight and you will fail. You are my puppet. Those strings around you, came you as mine."

Techno's eyes shifted from red to purple. Purple mist started to form around the three of them. Dream scuffed and he turned his back to Techno. Huge brown wings sprouted from his back. He started to take off, but Techno used the mist to pull him back down. When Dream hit the wood, Drista and fell out of his arms. She woke up and saw who was in front of her.

"D-Dream..." Techno could tell she was scared.

"Go back to sleep little sister." Dream said, wiping the blood away from his nose.

Drista looked behind her to see the King of the Withers trying to get up. He held onto the side of the tent and tried to pull himself up, it didn't work. His legs were too weak to help him at all. 

Drista's eyes glowed. She glared at Dream. Raising her hand, red lighting bolts started to form out of her hand. Dream stood up and slowly backed away. He was afraid of what she was gonna do. His wings spread out and he went to take off to the sky. The lighting bolts were released and it hit one of Dream's wings. He fell back down and in front of his sister.

"Leave me alone." She said, her voice was deep and it was said with multiply other voices.

"I'm your brother." Dream told her, holding his shoulder.

Technoblade managed to stand up and started to walk over to the two.

"Just leave us alone." Tears started to form in Drista's eyes.

"Drista-" Dream stopped talking when he saw the Blood God standing behind her.

Techno's looked like they were ready to hurt anything that came near her. Dream looked back at his sister. The shadows covered his body and took him away into the darkness. 

Techno sat down and pulled the little girl into his arms. He let her cry onto his shoulder. He knew that she was very scared. She grabbed onto his shoulder and held it tightly, scratching at some of his skin. Techno didn't care, he just wanted her to be ok.

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