Chapter 2

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Everything span around Techno. It was hard to focus on one thing. The breeze hit Techno's face. It felt nice to breathe air for once. He doesn't even know how long he was dead for. It must haven't been that long. Dream must've wanted him to be alive pretty quickly, if he had brought him to that place.

Technoblade! You're alive! We're back! Yay! We missed you! You're saved! We thought you were gone forever! The voices all told Techno.

Techno giggled. "I missed you too."

He looked at his surroundings. He knew he was somewhere deep in the forest. When he tried to stand up, he had fell down immediately. It was like his body forgot how to walk or do anything anymore. Everything in Techno's body hurt. Every time he took a breath, his chest would tighten up and it make it a little harder to breathe. His chest hurt the most. It was most likely from the sword that was driven into his heart.

Techno looked over to his side and saw a little creek. He stumbled over to it and drank from it. He didn't even care if he got sick, Techno just wanted this nightmare to end. He still couldn't even believe what he has done.

I accepted the devils' deal. Techno told himself. What have I done?

He looked down at his arm. It had a blood stain on it from when the arrow had pierced his skin. The scar was visible and was still fresh. He brought his hand down towards his chest. The shirt was torn open and a scar marked where his heart was. Techno still remembers making Tommy push the sword through him.

"Hello?" A voice came from afar.

Technoblade looked around the forest. He could see no one in sight.

"...Hello?" He called back.

"Are you ok?" The voice was getting closer and closer.

"I'm alright." Techno said, leaning against a tree to keep him standing.

He hoped this person wasn't a threat.

"You don't look alright." A small head poked out from the darkness.

It was a young girl. She had long dirty blond hair and small wings on her back, they were burnt up and torn. Her green eyes looked up at the Blood God's red eyes. She had on a outfit that looked like it had been through a fire. Scars marked her face, one of them was on her ear. The girl had to be at least fourteen years old.

"Do you need help?" She asked.

Techno pushed himself away from the tree and fell over very fast. "Yes, please."

The girl giggled and put his arm over her shoulder. She used all of her strength to push them both up. Techno was impressed on how strong she was for her age. 

The two carefully walked through the forest. Techno would try his best to walk up right, but would fall over a lot. The girl would laugh as he struggled to get back up again. She was very patient. 


It was almost dark when they got to a little campsite. It was a small place and it had a treehouse very high in the trees. Steps led up to the little site. At the top, there were two tents and a campfire in the middle. There was a little pile of dried sticks sitting near the edge of the little site.

The girl carefully placed Technoblade down outside of one of the tents. She then threw more sticks on the fire, which made it bigger. 

"So, what's your name?" Techno asked, laying down and putting his hands behind his head.

"My name's Drista and I know who you are, Blood God."

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