Chapter 20

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Techno raised his arm, purple mist came up from the cracks in the ground. Withers formed from the mist and screeched into the air. They flew up towards Dream and Tommy, firing at the Puppeteer.

Dream smiled wider and brown wings formed on his back. He flew up into the air, holding Tommy by the back. Tommy screamed with fear. Dream laughed harder and held Tommy in front of him.

The Withers backed off, not wanting to hit Tommy. They hissed some more. All they did was stared at Dream and Tommy. None of them firing their balls of purple fire.

Techno knew that they wouldn't fire if Tommy's life was on the line. They were told not to hurt Tommy in the slightest or let him get hurt. For once, Techno knew that they were gonna lose this fight.

"I'm not gonna be able to save him." Techno said, staring up at them. "He is much more stronger than me."

"Then how do we save him!" Tubbo yelled.

Drista thought to herself. She smiled gently. She grabbed Techno's shoulders and made him look at her in the eyes.

"Don't worry, Techno." Drista's voice was calm and collected. "It's time for me to do my part in life."

Techno looked down at the young girl. "You are not sacrificing your life for anything. You are too young. You need to live. Dream has already put you through enough already."

Drista thought about what Techno had said. She smiled some more and looked up at him. Her smile was warm and comforting. Techno knew what she was gonna do, but he didn't want her to do it.

"It's ok, Technoblade." Drista hugged the Blood God. "You have already done enough. It's my turn to save you."

Drista backed away. She grew more arms and wings, one of her wings still torn. A white smiling mask, with an x across it, appeared on her face. White clothes formed into a long white silk tunic. She grabbed the mask and pulled it out of her face, her green eyes sparked. The green emerald eyes shiny from tears in her eyes.

The young god flew up towards Dream and Tommy. Once Dream saw her, he let himself back down to the ground that was still apart from everyone. Tommy landed on the ground with a thud and stared back at the god in front of him.

"Dream, you have done enough damage as it is." Drista spoke, her voice was followed by multiple that said the same thing. "Release Tommy and we can rest."

Dream laughed. "Rest? I'm doing this because Techno didn't think anything of me. He didn't know how strong I really am."

Drista smirked.

Dream backed away, but still held onto Tommy's shirt. Tommy scratched at the ground, tryin to wiggle out of Dream. The harder he tried, the tighter the strings around him got. Drista stared at the strings and looked back down at Techno. Techno still had strings on him as well, even though he couldn't see them.

"I think it's time for us both to go see mom and dad." Drista said, looking back at Dream.

Dream cowered in fear. He raised his hand and shadows bolted towards her. Drista didn't even flinch. She knew that Dream wouldn't hurt her in the slightest. And she was right. They stopped just before they hit her. She was the last one Dream had left. She was his weakness.

"Let's go, brother." Drista pulled Dream into a hug.

Rocks covered the two and started to squish them both. Drista smiled brightly and tears streaked down her face. They both would be finally seeing their parents again. They both could finally see their mom and dad again.

"Technoblade, you were the best brother I ever had." Drista whispered as she hugged Dream tighter.

Dream tried to fight back, but he eventually stopped. He looked down at his little sister and hugged her back. Finally, they were in a hug that he dreamed about for so long. A smile tugged at his face as he could feel his breath be taken away from him. Only gods could be killed by other gods' magic. Now, he was being killed by his sister, with her joining him.

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