Chapter 18

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Techno and Drista both crawled out of the cavern and into the afternoon light. The light blinded the two. It had been a couple days down in that cave system, so it will take a little bit for their eyes to turn back to normal.

Techno reached down and helped Drista up. The were both squinting and holding their hands to block the bright sun. As the two looked around, Techno knew that he had been here before. The trees looked familiar and so did the little streams of water. This is the forest where he first met Wilbur.

"I recognize this place." He told Drista. "This is where I first met someone. We must be close."

Drista looked up at him. "Do you remember the path?"

"Yes, I remember it very clearly." Techno said as he started to walk forward.

Drista ran to catch up with Technoblade.

As they walked farther along, Techno had noticed a little pond. It was where he first met the phantom, Wilbur. He still remembers that day being calm and actually fun.

He walked over to the pool and saw dried muddy steps that went into a certain direction. They must've been Wilbur's since he has gotten out of water and onto the land. The steps were still embedded into the ground, they were in perfect shape.

Drista and Techno followed the footsteps through the forest. The steps slowly disappeared the farther they went. Soon Techno would have to rely on himself to figure out where the town was. It would be hard though because he only walked this trail once.

"Techno, look." Drista said, pointing ahead.

Techno looked up to see that there was a second type of footprints. Those were going off in a different direction. Both prints looked the same except one was slightly bigger and dig into the earth more. They also looked much more heavier.

He examined both and determined that the smaller prints were Wilbur's. The phantom was small and light, so it's obvious which set of prints are his.

Techno walked forward and Drista followed along.

The prints were barley visible anymore and almost fully gone. It wouldn't be too much longer before they were completely gone. Techno just had to find that plains biome and the river. It would be easier for him to track.

The sound of a river flowing grew louder. The two could slightly hear people talking and laughing. They were getting closer.

Techno could feel his heart start to race as he realized he would be seeing Tommy again. His legs started to get faster and faster the louder the sounds got. Soon he was just running.

A clearing started to appear and so did the town.

Techno ran to edge of the tree line and stopped. He looked out at the town. The pub was being rebuilt in the sky and houses were redone. People were laughing by the waterfall. Philza flew in the air, not noticing the two below.

A singular stone stood out amongst the buildings. It had flowers near it and a sword etched into the stone. It read Technoblade.

Techno's eyes grew wider and his heart dropped. They didn't even know he was even alive. Tommy must be heart broken still.

"They still think I'm dead." Techno said as he looked down at the ground.

Drista looked up at him and put her hand on his back. "Well, now you can show them that you are alive."

"Philza will kill me if I walk out there." Techno told the young god.

"Show him that you aren't gonna hurt anyone. That you're hear to apologize and see Tommy." Drista's voice was calming and sound.

Techno smiled down at the young girl and ruffled her hair around. She was growing smarter everyday.

He started to take a step forward until he saw a familiar red jacket. Tommy walked out of his house, holding a bunch of flowers. The young avian walked over to Techno's grave stone and placed the flowers down. He placed his hand on the tombstone and ran his fingers through the granite.

Techno's eyes lit up and he walked out into the light. Each step with more joy then the last. His heart grew faster and faster.

Suddenly, an overwhelming sensation came over him. Techno's knees gave out below him and he hit the ground. He covered his ears.

The voices had came back and they were louder than ever.

"So, you remember my promise?"

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