Chapter 7

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Techno woke up. He completely woke up when he saw that there was ash and purple mist all around him. People's screams were off in the distance. The town was all blown up and Withers were flying around. The Withers blew up the town around. Drista was sitting down on her heels staring at the town. The young elytrian was laying passed out on the ground beside her. There were burns all over his body. His wings were even torn up.

"D-Drista? What happened? What did I do?" Techno asked, standing up and walked over to her.

"It wasn't you, Technoblade. It was Dream." She said, not looking at him.

"What do you mean?" Techno still stared out at his Withers that were destroying everything.

"I tried my best to fight him for you, but it didn't work. He used you to do what he wants." Drista said, looking down at the young boy.

Techno looked down at the young boy. He wondered what he did.


"Dream! Let go of him!" Drista screamed at Techno, who was starting to turn into a puppet.

Techno sat up and smiled down at her. His glowing red eyes had slight bits of green in it, the top part of his eyes were starting to turn purple. Techno turned around and faced the town below.

"Look at that town, Drista. Doesn't it look to good to be true." 'Techno' said.

"Let him go." Drista said, standing in front of the boy.

Techno looked down at the two little kids. He looked back at the village and started to raise his hands. The ground started to shake and break open. Purple mist started to form around the three and down in the town. Withers started to appear from the cracks in the ground. Once they saw their king, they bowed down and started to destroy the town down below.

Drista ran to the ledge and saw as people screamed, running for their lives. She turned around and watched as the young boy looked out in horror. He looked up and Techno, he backed away. A fire had started to form behind him and Drista ran to stop him from getting hurt. 

"Watch out!" Drista grabbed the boy and pulled him away.

His right wing got burned from the fire. He screamed out in pain.

Drista glared back at Dream's puppet. He just smiled at the people being killed below them. Drista sat up and turned into her god form. More wings and arms appeared on her. She used her wings to fly down to the town and went to save the people from their certain doom. Hopefully she would save them in time.


"I killed all those people?" Techno stared at the town still covered in ash.

"You didn't, Dream did. He used you as a puppet. He used your power to kill all those people. Even in my god form, I couldn't stop anything. This poor boy is...dead." Drista said.

"I...killed him..." Techno just stared at the young boy.

Techno felt horrible for what he had done, he wasn't even the one who had done it. Dream had killed a little boy using Technoblade as a puppet. He used Techno's powers just to destroy a town. Techno had destroyed many kingdoms, towns, and villages before, but none of them compared to this. He wasn't even the one who did it. He felt so guilty. It was a horrible idea to fall into The Puppeteer's trap. Now he was gonna be stuck here forever.

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