Chapter 16

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Technoblade and Drista walked through the caves, searching for a way out. The dark and dusty cave never let them see very far in front of them. The farther they walked, the smaller the cave got. People had been through this mine before, why was it getting smaller? Or was it just another one of Dream's stupid tricks.

Techno cut his hands on one of the sharp rocks that he squeezed by. When the blood trickled down his hand, he was surprised that the voices didn't respond. They would always respond to blood, but they didn't now.

What did you do to my voices? Techno asked Dream.

There was no response.

Worry filled him. Techno had never gone this long without hearing the voices. They were the thing that told him what to do and how to act. Even though they could be overwhelming a lot, they were still apart of him.

Techno clenched his teeth. Dream was torturing him all right. He kept to his promise. He was gonna make Techno's life harder than it already was. He even threatened to hurt Tommy.

"Techno, look." Drista said, pointing to a dark opening in front of them.

They two walked into the huge empty cavern. A light shown from above. It was very dark and at the bottom was water. You couldn't tell if it was shallow or deep. Sharp rocks stuck out the sides of the large cavern as well.

Techno looked up at the little hole in the wall that shown down on them. "That must be the way out. We finally found it."

"Yeah, but it is very high up. I can't fly and my magic is just chaos, it won't help us at all. Your Withers are probably not too strong too help us either." Drista told him.

Techno sighed because he knew she was right. The Wither he used earlier was the strongest one he summoned. With Drista's life on the line, he acted fast and summoned him. At least he saved her life.

I can help you, if you desire. Of course it was Dream's voice.

Just leave us alone already. Techno told Dream.

I'm not doing this for you, Blood God. I'm doing this for my sister. She has no reason to fear me and yet she does. I will show her that I'm good.

Techno looked down at Drista, who was still trying to figure a way out. She looked very focused. She wings flapped behind her, like they really wanted her to fly. She was an avian, so she could only glide.

Techno sighed. Fine, help us.

Techno could feel the man smile once again. The shadows from below started to creep up the rocky cliff and towards the two. Drista stepped back in surprise when the shadows wrapped around her feet. They then made a bridge towards the opening, the shadows turned into an obsidian bridge.

"What was that?" Drista never took her eyes off the newly formed bridge in front of them.

"Your brother helped us." Techno said as he started to walk across the bridge. "He saw us struggling and I agreed to him helping."

"You should stop accepting his help." Drista said, running to catch up with him. "He's gonna gain more control over you the longer you do that."

"Well, he did it to help you." Techno said.

Drista stepped back in shock. She had always thought her brother was a bad person. He had always cared for her, but she was too afraid of him to even care. But...he did kill many people for fun, including their parents. He wasn't good at all. Dream was a horrible human being.

Techno called for Drista. Her head whipped up and she saw Techno near the opening, ready to tear it apart. She ran to catch up with him.

As the two tore the rocks away, Drista got reminded of the first time Dream truly hurt her. A day that she will never forget.

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