Chapter 6

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Drista and Technoblade walked through the forest. Each looking for the place that they both wanted to call home. They were both looking for the place that held Tommy. Techno knew that Phil would most likely kill him for coming anywhere near that village. He knew that Phil hated him a lot. That entire town was destroyed by him and Techno had tried to kill Phil. 

"What you thinking about?" Drista asked.

Techno got snapped out of his daydream. He looked down at Drista, who was keeping him standing and walking.

"I'm good." Techno told her. "I'm just thinking about that town."

"You look sad." Drista teased. "Are you depressed or something?"

Techno rolled his eyes and smiled. "No, I don't need any help. I'll be fine."

"To my view, you need me to help you walk." Drista said. "Without me, you wouldn't be anywhere at all."

Techno shook his head in annoyance. Drista was right, without her Techno would be nowhere. He owed a lot to her. He doesn't even know why she is helping him. She could've left him there in those woods, but she didn't. It must've been that Techno had saved her from Dream. He could see the terror in Drista's eyes. 

It was too quiet to not talk and Techno wanted to make up some conversation.

"So, your powers. How do they work?" Technoblade asked.

"Well, being the god of chaos and mischief, it means I cause those exact things." Drista explained. "I used to use my powers all the time. I would pull pranks all the time, especially on Dream. Though...he changed one day. He started to make me use my powers for somethings I never wanted to do. He used me to start that little fire that killed our parents. He's the reason our parents are dead, but it's my fault for letting him trick me into doing it."

"Your brother used you." Techno told her. "It was never your fault for what he did."

"What about you?" She said, trying to change the conversation. "I've never seen the strength of your power yet."

"My origin is something that no one should be gifted with. It's already enough to handle by myself. Sometimes it gets too much and I'm forced to do things I don't want too."

"Like the destroying of that town." It surprised Techno when Drista said that.

"How do you-"

"I watched you destroy that town piece by piece. One of Withers even bowed down to you. Those innocent soul were killed by your signal." Drista wasn't even looking at Techno.

Techno looked at the girl, who wasn't looking at him. She was just focused on the path up ahead. So many people has seen him kill many souls. He felt horrible for it. Those people watched him kill many. He had never felt that bad before.

They had soon gotten to a village. There were kids running around and laughing. A young kid with an elytrian origin flew down and in front of them. He landed face down into the ground. He sat back up and laughed out loud. His grey wings puffed out when he laughed. He looked over at the two and smiled at them.

The voices all of a sudden started up and were very loud. Kill him. Kill them all. Find the village and kill them all. Kill them. My puppet. Kill that village. Your time has come. Let's kill them

Techno fell to the ground. He placed his hands over his ears, hoping to drown them out. They were so loud. He didn't feel in control of himself anymore. It felt like he was being tied to strings and being held onto stage. He could feel himself starting to lose himself.

Drista bent down to see what was wrong with him. He looked up and she could see his eyes were glowing red with bits of green in them. That's when she knew that Dream was using him as a puppet.

"Dream...what are you doing..."

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