Chapter 17

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"Mom! Dad!" Drista yelled as she watched their parents house burn in the night.

Ash filled the air, turning he night sky a gray color. The heat warmed her body and it was too hot to handle. Dreams hand was on her shoulder and he was smiling at his accomplishment.

"How could you..." Drista sobbed, looking up at her brothers smiling face.

"Oh come on, Drista. They ever treated us like family." Dream said as he stared down at his sister's face, stained with tears.

"We are their children. You made me kill them. Why?..." Drista asked.

"Love is weakness." Dream said, strictly. "If you show it too much, you will fall weak. That's why I made you do this. Now you can ya your power for whatever you want. You are the god of chaos and mischief, you could be excited about your process."

She stares back at the burning house. She remembered how much Dream loves their parents. He was only kind to them ever. Why would he make her do this? It was something that Drista would never forget.

"It's cold, lets go somewhere warm." Dream said, picking his sister up.

The young god fought her brother's grip. She used her wings to force his arms open and release her. Drista took off to the house, hoping she could save them in time.

Dream called out for her to come back. She was too far gone. Drista was already in the burning house when he started to chase after her.

Pillars started to fall down and block her from their parents room. It was very smoky and the fire kept her from breathing. It hurt her throat to try and breathe.

As she got closer to the room, the ceiling crashes down and fell on her back. Drista's legs and wings started to burn. She screamed from the pain, but tried her best to bear it. Her wings started to set ablaze and burn. She was able to drag herself out and put it out before the fire took her wings away.

Drista ran to her parents room and pushed the burning door down. She stared at the room that was completely gone in fire. Their was no way that her parents could've ever survived that. They were already gone before she got there.

Drista could feel tears trying to form, but the heat evaporated them. Smoke and ash filled her eyes and lungs. It was getting to hard to breathe in here.

She found a window and burst through it. Glass cutting her face and her ear. Once she was through, Drista could still hear her brother's cries for her. His voice was hurt and sounded like he was in a lot of pain.

Standing up, Drista ran off into the woods. Her cut open legs left a bloody trail for anyone to follow. She really hoped Dream wouldn't see it.

Drista has gotten very deep in the woods, too far to hear the burning of their house.

Tears filled her smoke filled eyes. The ran down her face, causing little clean streaks on her cheeks. Drista's throat burned badly and it hurt to suck in breaths. She just wished she lived with a normal brother. She wished her brother actually loved her.

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