Chapter 19

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Techno's eyes widened. He ran faster towards Tommy. He could feel Dream starting to get stronger. Techno didn't have that much longer before Dream took control again. When Dream takes control, it would be hard to break apart from it.

"Tommy!" Techno screamed.

Tommy looked up and saw Techno running towards him. "Techno?"

The ground started to shake and break apart. The ground between Techno and Tommy broke apart, keeping them from getting to each other. The sound of Dream's laughing grew louder and louder. Everyone was very confused and ran for cover. Drista ran over to Techno and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him away the broken ground. 

"Techno! We have to get out of here!" Drista said, trying her hardest to drag Techno away. "Dream is gonna tear this place apart."

Techno looked back at the rest and saw them all trying to run away. The ground broke all around Tommy, keeping him from going anywhere. That piece of ground started to rise and Tommy was all alone. 

Techno looked up at Tommy and pulled away from Drista. "He's gonna die if I don't save him!"

"You remember what I said, Blood God?" Dream's voice boomed throughout the valley. "Now it's time to show you my power!"

The Puppeteer's voice was loud and powerful. His voice was very close to the voices in Techno's head. If almost exactly the same.

Technoblade looked around and jumped over the cracks in the ground. He got closer to the others. The stared at him in surprise. Philza's face stared at him with surprise and fear. They all stared up at Tommy. Techno was trying to think of something to do to save him.

"T-Techno? How are you alive?" Wilbur asked, his voice hesitant.

"Long story short, I accepted the devil's deal. Now I have to deal with this." Techno said, not even taking his eyes off Tommy.

A shadowy figure appeared, next to Tommy, and formed into a person. That person was Dream. He smiled widely at the scared avian in front of him. Tommy was afraid to move. Strings tied around Tommy's wrists and neck. Tommy grabbed the strings and tried to tear them off, it didn't work.

Dream grabbed the boy by his arm and held him up. Tommy fought back against Dream's grip. The more he fought, the tighter the strings felt against his skin.

"Oh, Technoblade!" Dream called down to him.

Techno looked up and saw that Dream held Tommy within his grasp. Tommy looked down at him with fear. Techno felt anger rising in him. He hated seeing someone he cared about in complete fear.

"Let him go!" Techno yelled at Dream.

Dream laughed hard, it boomed throughout the broken plains.

"Do you think I'd really listen to you?" Dream grabbed Tommy's cheeks and forced him look up. "You accepted my deal, Blood God. If anything you deserved this."

Kill them all. Blood for the Blood God. It's time for you to be the only one left. They all must die. The voices all spoke.

Techno kneeled down to the ground, covering his ears. They were so much louder and harder to control. His head started to pound and hurt from the pain. Is this what Dream meant by the voices will get louder?

"Techno!" Drista sat down next to Techno, trying to help him. "Fight them. You are stronger than him."

Techno looked up at her. He saw the fear across her face, but also anger. The young avian god forced Techno onto his feet. They all stared at the scared Tommy and smiling Dream. 

He wished it would all be over.

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