Chapter 11

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Drista and Techno had practiced there powers all day. Drista had missed the feeling of spreading chaos everywhere. It was nice to finally let her powers go through her and be released. It was freeing. It had been so long since she used them. Now, she could never forget the feeling.

"I had never used my powers in so long." Drista told Technoblade. "I forgot what it was like to be the god of chaos and mischief."

"Just don't use your powers wrongly." Techno said. "It is very easy to become a slave to yourself. It is very hard to break out of. But I have even learned how to control the voices in my head. I know how to take control back of my body."

"Is it hard to take back control of your body, even when the voices have fully taken over?" Drista asked.

"Sometimes it is. They want blood a lot, but right now they are very quiet. I have not heard them since your brother has talked to me." Techno told her.

Drista looked up at Technoblade. She was worried for him. She had seen her brother's powers, she knows how powerful he really his. Technoblade may act like he is brave right now, but it won't last long. Dream always waits for the perfect moment to ruin his victim's life. Once that person is done, he moves onto the next. It's an endless cycle that will be ended soon.

"You act brave now, but that won't last very long." Drista said as she blow up a rock. "He will soon take full control of you."

"I'm not scared of an idiot of a god." Techno said, he could feel Dream's anger rising. "Your brother will learn to deal with the Blood God."

You know you are very dumb to talk to me like that. Dream told Technoblade.

And you are dumb for thinking you can control the Blood God and King of the Withers. Techno snarled back at Dream.

Techno could feel Dream's anger rise more. He smiled as he knew that he got Dream more and more mad. If he kept this up, he would be able to take control of himself again and get rid of the strings. He only had to keep it up until Dream got too weak to fight back.

You have earned yourself a painful death. Dream told him.

Go ahead. You don't scare me. Techno said.

I never said it was gonna be you. Dream said, Techno could tell he smiled.

Techno's entire body stopped. He was afraid of what Dream was talking about. He didn't, he couldn't have. Dream wouldn't be that stupid. He couldn't have been.

Techno let out a shaky breath. He wished that Dream wasn't talking about what he was thinking. If he went anywhere near that boy he would...what would he do? Techno is Dream's puppet. He couldn't do anything to fight back against Dream. Dream could control Techno whenever he wanted. Those strings were the one thing that kept Techno tied to Dream's fingers. He just has to figure out how to break them.

"Technoblade? Are you alright?" Drista asked, breaking Techno out of his trance.

He looked down at the concerned avian god. He saw that she looked genuinely worried for him. Techno frowned and his hands turned into fists. They were squeezing so tight that they broke the skin and blood started to drip down.

"I'm fine." Techno said as he looked away. He looked back up into the sky and back down at Drista. "We need to find Tommy and fast."

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