Chapter 13

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Drista and Technoblade walked through the midnight stricken forest. Their eyes had somewhat adjusted to the light and they could barley see anything. The trees blocked the moonlight above them. Some beams of light shown through, but not a whole lot. The sounds of wolfs howling in the distance was the only sound they could hear, other than them stepping on the gravel.

They had came across a cave. Drista lit a small flame in her hand and held it up. The light shown through the cave. The two crawled into it and walked through it. Techno walked in front of her, to keep her protected from anything that could attack.

He sighed and it echoed of the walls. Drista would turn around every once in a while, seeing if anyone was following them. She had the feeling that someone was watching them from the darkness behind them.

"What are you looking for?" Techno asked, not turning around to face her.

"I heard something." Drista said, looking behind them once again. "How did you know that I'm turning around?"

"I can hear you." Techno told her. "What did you hear?"

"I don't know what I heard. Something was moving behind us and I can sense that someone is watching us from the darkness." She stopped and squinted her eyes to see better.

Techno turned around and looked where she was looking. "What ever is following us can't follow for to long. We are very deep in this cave and it is very dumb for following us for this long."

"And if it keeps following us?" Drista asked.

"We'll find out." Techno said as he turned around and kept on the walk. 

Drista ran to catch up.


After a long walk, the two stumbled across an abandoned mine shaft. It was very worn down and could most likely break at any point. They would have to be very careful on what they did, to not let anything break.

They came across a bridge that hung over a ravine that was filled with lava at the bottom. The bridge looked very weak and could most likely break at any point. Techno though of ways that they could get across without burning to lava. Both were immortal and could suffer without dying.

"How do you think we get across?" Drista asked, staring down at the lava below them.

Techno put his arm in front of her, to keep her from slipping. "We'll have to use something to get across. This bridge is two weak to carry us both across. A single step can send us both plummeting to suffering for a while."

"Then how do you think we get across?" Drista asked, looking up at him.

"I'm gonna use my mist to make you lighter." Techno said as his eyes turned purple and mist started to circle Drista. "It will be able to help you cross and make you light enough for the bridge not to break."

"Can I trust you?" Drista asked.

Techno looked over at her. "Even if you fall, I will be there to catch you. You can trust me. I promise."

Drista sighed and then nodded. She placed one foot on the bridge. It creaked below her and she she flinched. The purple mist circled her faster, making her slightly be lighter. Drista let her weight go onto the bridge. She placed her second foot on the bridge. It creaked more and it felt it slightly bent. 

Drista had fully gotten onto the bridge and taken a few steps. She held tightly onto the ropes, afraid on if it was gonna break. She looked back at Techno to see him concentrating. 

Taking one more step, the bridge gave out below her. She could feel her body start to fall. Everything felt like it had froze at that moment. Something grabbed her wrist and held onto it tightly. She looked up and shook with fear.

"T-Technoblade...don't let me fall." Drista said.

"Don't worry, I won't"

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