Chapter 8

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Technoblade and Drista took off to the woods. They didn't want to be caught. Dream must've fixed Techno's legs, since he could actually walk and run. he probably got tired of his puppet not getting too far without help. Well, Techno could finally get around by himself now. He should thank Dream for that, but after what he did, he can't.

The two ran into a large clearing. The afternoon summer sun shown down on them. They were both out of breathe and sweaty. It felt like they were running for hours, when it was only minutes. Drista landed down on the ground with a thud, while Techno stood and tried to get his breath to catch up with him. It was too hot for them to be out in the heat.

Techno started to walk towards the trees, where there would be shade. 

"Where are you going?" Drista asked, very out of breath.

"To the shade, where I can cool down." Techno told her, not even taking a glance at her.

He could hear the young god stand up and follow him to the trees. When Techno got to the trees, he landed on his knees and let his face fall to the ground. It didn't hurt when his face hit the ground, it felt nice. The ground was very cool. 

Drista landed down on the cool grass beside him. She stretched out her worn out wings and put her hands behind her head. She stared at the leaves being blown by the breeze. Her breath slowly caught up with her.

"Finally, we can relax." Drista said.

"If Dream doesn't control me again." Techno said.

"My brother is probably celebrating the fact that he took over the Blood God and King of the Withers. He's too busy to use you more." She put her arm over her face, to block out the sun shining through the trees.

"Speak for yourself." Techno said. "You weren't the one being controlled."

"Dream doesn't want to control me." Drista told Techno. "It's to hard to control me, in the first place, and he doesn't want to hurt his little sister. I watched that man control the most powerful of people, but yet he won't go anywhere near me."

Techno thought about that. Dream doesn't seem to hurt her at all. Even when he picked her up, he was careful not to wake her. When Techno was under control, Dream didn't seem to even hurt her at all. Drista had no scratches on her when Techno woke up. He must love her too much to hurt her in the slightest. Those two were the last members of their family, it made sense that Dream wanted to protect her.

"So, where'd you get that scar?" Drista looked over at Techno.

He remembered the huge scar across his face, the one that Tommy had given him. Techno still remembered the feeling of cutting and blood rushing down his face. It hurt to get it, but it showed that Tommy was getting stronger.

"I got it from Tommy." Techno said, looking at his hand. "I was training him and he went to protect himself. He did good."

"You must be an amazing older brother then." Drista said as she looked back up at the sky.

"Not really. I made him kill me and scared him for life. The only reason I wanted to come back, was to apologize and protect him from Dream." Techno placed his hand on his chest, where is scar still was.

He looked back down at his other arm, where there were still blood stains. His shirt was still torn from Philza's arrow. Techno never even bothered to change his clothes. There was even a huge tear in his shirt where the sword pierced through. He still remembers how Tommy was crying over his dying body.

Don't worry, Tommy. Techno told himself, wishing that Tommy could hear him. I will stay with you forever from now on.

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