Chapter 14

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It felt like the world slowed down when the bridge gave out underneath Drista's feet. Technoblade dropped everything he was doing and dove for her hand. He reached his hand down and grabbed her wrist. She slipped down a bit, but he held on tightly to it. He was scared to drop her.

"T-Technoblade..." Drista's voice was shaky and afraid. "Don't let me fall."

"I won't." Techno reassured her. "I promise."

Techno looked around, looking for anything that could help him pull her back up. He squeezed tighter when he looked back down at the lava. They were both immortal, so they would live, but she would suffer in there until he saved her. That's the cold hard truth that gods and immortal have to deal with. It was something that he was always afraid of.

He thought about one way to save her, but she would have to fully trust him. His other hand held onto a rock in the ground. If he let go they would easily fall off and into the lava. Techno sighed and looked back at Drista.

"Drista, I know how to save both of us, but you have to trust me." Techno said.

She whipped her head up and looked at him in pure terror. "W-what..."

"Please, just trust me. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." Techno said.

"Alright...I trust you." Drista sighed.

Techno smiled and let go of the rock, both of them falling to the lava. He quickly grabbed her and whipped around so his back was facing the lava. Drista held onto his shirt. Techno held tightly on her and his eyes turned purple once again. Mist started to appear and he hoped he could summon one fast enough. Once Techno's back hit the lava, a Wither burst out from his chest and grabbed Drista. It flew up and placed her on the opposite side of the ravine. 

The Wither King screamed in pain as he slowly fell more into the lava. He could feel his back burning in pain. The Wither flew down and grabbed him, bringing him to Drista. Once Techno hit the cool rocks, he passed out. He was placed onto his stomach so the burn wouldn't hurt more. The king was very still and not moving.

"Technoblade..." Drista crawled over to him and grabbed his shoulder. 

She stared at his limb body. Nothing moving a muscle. The Wither nuzzled the king's long pink hair, some of it burned off. 

"You can't leave me." Drista begged, tears starting to roll down her face. "Who's gonna protect me from Dream? Please Techno, don't go. You were the only one that actually felt like a brother to me. Don't go, please..."

Drista buried her face into his shoulder. His shoulder was getting wet from her tears. Watching him lay still, broke her more. It didn't help that the Wither was still trying to wake it's king up. It wouldn't be there for that long anyway, if he was really dead. It would disappear back into purple mist and go back into Technoblade.

Something grabbed her shoulder and Drista looked at Techno. His tired red eyes stared back. Relief and Joy filled her. She hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. The Wither screeched with excitement and placed it's head on Techno's. Techno laughed out loud and hugged Drista back.

"I thought you left me." Drista told him. "I thought you were gonna be gone forever."

Techno pulled her off of him and looked at her eyes, whipping away her tears. "Hey, it's ok. I can survive much more than that. It will take a lot to kill me. Now, help me up."

Drista grabbed his arm and yanked him onto his feet. Techno stumbled a bit before falling onto the Wither. The Wither kept him upright and pushed him onto Drista. She helped him back up onto his feet. Techno waved his hand and the Wither turned to mist, that mist went back into his chest.

"Great. Now let's get out of this cave." Techno smiled down at her.

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