Chapter 12

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"Why?" Drista asked. "What did he tell you?"

Techno grabbed Drista's wrist and stared to drag her through the dark forest. There was no light except for the moon up above them, and even that barley lit up the path. Drista grabbed Techno's hand and tried to make it let go of hers. She tried to stop Techno's fast walking. 

"T-Technoblade?" Drista said, trying to use her wings to fly. "Let go of me!"

Techno didn't respond. He only thought about the people he loved. He prayed that Tommy and everyone else would be ok once he got back to the town. It was the one thing he hoped for. 

"Techno!" A sharp jab came into his side. 

Techno turned around to see Drista's afraid eyes. She had used her chaotic powers to stab a lighting bolt into his side. He had realized that her hand was turning purple, so he let go. She yanked her hand back and stepped away.

"I...I'm sorry." Techno said.

He let himself fall to the ground, sitting on his feet. He lowered his head and didn't speak. Drista kneeled down and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"It's ok, Techno." Drista said, worried about him. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I'm stressed." Techno said, he was looking down at the grass below him. "Your brother made me really stressed and I don't know how to handle it right now. I just want to know that Tommy is safe."

Drista got up and went behind Techno. She grabbed his hair and started to tie it up into a braid. Tommy's braid was braided into the bigger one to make it look nicer. Techno moved so he was completely sat in the grass. He let Drista braid his hair. She was very gentle with it and careful not to pull at all.

Techno looked up into the sky and thought about Tommy. He hoped that he was safe. He should be. Dream was connected to Techno and couldn't go anywhere without him, right?

"My brother is a jerk, isn't he?" Drista said.

"Yeah, he is." Techno said, he could feel that Drista was almost done with the braid. "He's making me worry about Tommy. I need to find him, to protect him."

"Dream likes to use fear against people a lot. He uses it to take more control of people. I can help you fight him, if you want." Drista said, making sure the braid was tight and would stay in.

"He's my voice. I don't care what he says anymore. If he hurts any of my friends, I will teach him a lesson." Techno said, his fists clenched.

Drista used her magic to make a little band. She tied up the hair and sat up. The braid was all nicely tied up and made to look good. It was tied to it wouldn't fall apart that easy. Tommy's braid was tied up inside the bigger one and made it look very nice.

"It looks nice." Drista said as she walked in front of Techno.

Techno felt the braid, trying not to mess it up. "It feels nice. You did a very good job. Thank you." Techno told her.

Drista smiled warmly and grabbed his hand. He got pulled up and onto his feet. She hugged him tightly and Techno could feel her forehead touch the scar on his chest. He was surprised by the hug, but hugged her back. It was a warm embrace and felt nice to be apart of. It felt like so long since he had a hug like this. A hug that was meant to feel like love and warmness. 

Techno could feel a smile tug across his face. He squeezed tighter before letting go. His hands still placed on her shoulders.

"Let's go look for Tommy." 

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