Chapter 5

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As the morning light came, Techno squeezed the sleeping girl in his arms tighter. Drista had fell asleep while crying and he never let go of her. He had stayed up all night, making sure she slept soundly. She was so scared last night. Drista froze there when Dream was in front of her. Techno had seen fear in many, even Tommy, but seeing that kind of fear made him mad.

Protect her. Kill Dream. Find Tommy. We need to save her. The voices all told Techno.

I will keep her safe. Techno told the voices. We will find Tommy and get back home.

Technoblade twirled around the little braid in his hair. He smiled when he knew that Tommy made it. He missed Tommy a lot. He wished he didn't make Tommy do what he did. Tommy had been put through enough trauma and was forced to, watch someone he looked up to, die. What was worst was that Techno made Tommy kill him.

Techno regretted what he had done. He regretted accepting Dream's deal, he regretted making Tommy kill him, He just regretted everything he had done in his life.

Tears started to form in Techno's eyes. His entire body started to shake, and he squeezed Drista's sleeping body harder. He felt so guilty for everything he has done. He had caused so much trouble for people who had trusted him. Why can't he just do anything right?

"Technoblade?" Drista's tired voice interrupted him. "Are you ok?"

Techno looked at the tired girl in his arms. She looked so confused. He smiled and wiped the tears away.

"I'm fine." Techno said. "I just think I should leave before this place is destroyed. I need to go find my home."

"Then, I'll come with you." Drista said as she stood up and started to pack up her things. 

"Drista, I'm going to go find my home." Techno said, he tried to stand up. "I'm going to go find my Tommy."

"You're not gonna be able to fight off those strings alone. My brother is smarter than you think he might be. I have watched him trick people into doing what they would never do. Also you are too weak to walk. You need my help." She said, she put on a backpack and helped Techno stand up.

Techno didn't fight back as Drista helped him walk down the steps. He carefully took when step at a time. When they got to the bottom, they two walked through the forest together. The god of chaos helped the Blood God through the forest and back to his home. Both didn't even know where his home was, but they both wouldn't stop until they found it. 

Techno was determined to find Tommy again. He wanted to find him to apologize. He wished he had never done what he did. He wished that he never burnt down their town and tried to kill Philza. Techno hated what he made Tommy do to him. Tommy was probably scared.

"Hey, are you ok?" Drista said breaking the silence.

"I'm fine." Techno said. "I just can't wait to see Tommy once again."

"I can't wait to meet this guy either."

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