Chapter 9

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"That was fun, wasn't it?" A voice said from the dark abyss.

"Stop copying the voices in my head. You are nothing like them." Techno said, annoyed.

The Puppeteer formed in front of him. He was laughing out loud and had a huge smile across his face. The man's green sweatshirt was covered in blood, it was disgusting. Techno stepped back as he realized there was blood all over the man. His white smiling mask even had a stain of blood on it.

"Why is there blood all over you?" Techno asked, still shocked from seeing that.

"Oh come on, Technoblade. Shouldn't you know?" Dream said, with a grin. "You were the one who killed all those people."

"Don't you dare use me as your dumb excuse. You were the one who had killed all those people. You used me for your own personal gain. And for what? Is that why you brought me here? To show how powerful you really are?"

"If you want to put it like that." Dream said as he shrugged one shoulder, still a grin across his face. "I mean your powers are nothing like I have ever seen. To watch them die by your Withers was so memorizing. I had a blast with your power."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Techno said. "Do you think that you can just get away with it like that? Your own sister is afraid of you."

The black void seemed to start shaking. Dream tuned away from Techno and started to clench his fist. Techno had realized that he had gotten to Dream's weakness. If he could keep this up long enough, he could break the strings. 

"Drista was afraid that night you were gonna take her away. Didn't you see the absolute terror on her face? That's why I beat you down to he ground you-"

"My sister, doesn't need to know why I am doing this." Techno could tell that Dream was clenching his teeth. "I'm doing this for her. If she doesn't agree with it, that's fine. I'm forcing her to side with me no matter what."

Dream turned around and faced Techno. His eyes were glowing a bright green color. Red and white strings appeared around Techno's wrists. He grabbed one of the strings and tried his hardest to yank it off, they never broke. The more he tugged, the tighter they grasped. Soon his hands were starting to turn purple.

"You are a complete idiot, Dream!" Techno yelled, trying to yank the strings down from above him. "You are just a coward that doesn't know the weight that you are gonna bring."

"And what weight is that?" Dream said as he pulled out a nether rite axe and put his mask on the side of his head.

"The weight of the fact that your sister will die by your hands." Techno said, he could feel the strings get tighter.

Dream held up the axe and swung down, hitting Techno's chest. The Blood God screamed in pain, but tried his best to keep it in. He tried to show that he wasn't weak.

Dream grabbed the strings and pulled Techno closer to him. Techno fell to the ground and stared up at the angry god above him. His bright green eyes glowing brighter than they were before.

"You are my puppet, Technoblade!" Dream yelled, holding tightly onto the strings. "You are controlled by me! No matter what you do, you will never escape my grasp! Just for your little word play, I will make your life harder than before. I will wait until the perfect moment to make your life horrible!"

Dream released the strings and they forced Techno back onto his feet. The two gods eyes stared at each other with complete rage in both. They both wanted to kill each other. Soon shadows started to surround Techno. He watched as Dream turned around and walked away. The shadows covered his entire body and he could fell himself go limb.


"Hey. Hey!" Drista said, as she shook Techno awake.

He sat up and looked around. everything seemed to be normal. Then why didn't it feel normal? He looked down at the young avian god. 

"Come on, we need to start walking before someone finds us." Drista told him. 

"Yeah...we do."

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