Chapter 21

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Techno watched in fear as Drista and Dream both died from her magic. He didn't even get to say goodbye to her. She sacrificed herself to save Tommy and Techno. She died to keep Techno from being trapped in Dream's strings. Drista had saved them. She saved them all.

Phil flew up to Tommy and grabbed him. The two were wrapped into a big hug. Tommy had almost lost his life because of Techno. That was one thing he would never forget.

"Technoblade!" Techno got startled when he was suddenly hugged by Wilbur.

Wilbur was laughing, but had tears in his eyes. They both hugged each other tightly. Techno smiled at the warmth of it and the fact that Wilbur was hugging him. It had been so long since that had both seen each other. Now, they were wrapped in one massive hug.

"I thought you died." Wilbur said, not letting go of the god. "I thought you had left us forever."

"I did die, Wilbur, but now I'm back. There's no reason to cry anymore." Techno said. 

He remembered the strings around his wrists. Since Dream was dead, he probably wouldn't be alive much longer as well. That deal was the last thing left keeping him alive. Techno knew that there was gonna be a huge chance that he wouldn't live much longer anymore. Those strings were already broken. So, Techno needed to be very quick.

"I doubt I will be alive for a very long time." Techno explained. "Dream's strings were the last thing keeping me alive and I can feel that they had broke once he died. I just need to see Tommy. He's the person I want to apologize to before I go."

"You can't go!" Niki said. "What will we do without you?"

"Be like how you were before." Techno smiled down at her.

"That's the thing. We didn't know what to do after you died." Ranboo told Techno.

The sound of wings flapping came from above them all. They looked up to see Phil flying down with Tommy in his arms. The Angel of Death carefully placed Tommy down in grass. Everyone flocked to make sure he was ok. Tommy smiled and laughed, explaining that he was alright.

As they all talked to Tommy, Techno could feel his soul slowly going away. He wouldn't be here for much longer and he knew that. It was time for the Blood God to finally say goodbye for his last time.

"Tommy..." Techno said, a smile across his face and tears of joy in his eyes.

"Techno." Tommy said.

Tommy ran and jumped into Techno's arms. Techno could hear Tommy crying as well. He could feel his shoulder dampen from them. Techno didn't care anymore. All he cared was that he was hugging Tommy once again.

"You're back." Tommy said, hugging Techno tighter.

"I am." Techno said. "But not for much longer."

"No! You can't go!" Tommy looked Techno in the eyes. "You just got back! You can't leave me."

"I never said I will leave you." Techno said, placing his hand on Tommy's cheek. "I will always be here, even when you can't see me. I will see you again one day. Just trust me."

Tommy placed his head back on Techno's shoulder. Techno could tell that he didn't want to let go. For it felt like the world just slowed down for them. That hug was the longest and warmest thing ever. They both never wanted to let go, ever.

Techno could feel is body starting to give out. He could feel himself starting to loose everything. He could barley hold Tommy up, but used the last of his strength to keep him in his arms. He couldn't let himself rest, not just yet.

Don't leave! Please. We are still here. Don't go! We are gonna miss you. The voices all said.

Techno let out a breathy laugh. I'm not gonna leave any of you. Don't worry, you guys could never get rid of me.

"It's time for me to go, Tommy." Techno said.

"I'll miss you.

"I'll miss you too."

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