Chapter 15

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Technoblade and Drista walked through the empty mine shaft. Techno saw that they could break at any point. The wooden poles won't last for much longer seeing on how old they are. If one broke, they would all fall down. That would cause Techno and Drista to suffocate for eternity. 

The feeling of someone following them never left. Drista really wanted to fire into the dark, but couldn't risk the mine crashing down on them. She just wanted to get rid of that stupid feeling.

"This mine shaft won't hold up that much longer." Techno told Drista. "We will have to find a safe spot and soon."

"I still think someone is following us." Drista said, looking over her should once more. "This...person has been following us for quite a while now. I suggest we find the exit quickly before they catch up with us."

"We will worry about that later. We need to find the exit first and if they keep following us, I will take care of it." Techno said, not turning around.

 "I feel like it's a threat." Drista mumbled under her breath, quietly enough for Techno not to hear.

A wood piece, from the wooden pole, snapped off and landed in front of Techno. He looked up at the pole, the entire thing was starting to bend. Techno grabbed Drista and pulled her over to him. That half of the shaft caved in on itself. It blocked Techno and Drista from getting back. They both coughed from the dust in the air.

"Great..." Techno said to himself. "We're trapped in here."

"Well, at least mine shafts have more than one exit-" A loud thud came from behind them both.

The two whipped around to see someone sitting on his heels. Techno looked at the little boy behind them, fear writing all over his face. The young avian was Tommy. Thick strings were tied around his neck and wrists. The young boy faced away from the two and his head was bent down to the ground. He gripped his red jacket. Techno could hear him silently sobbing.

"Tommy..." Techno outstretched his hand to Tommy, Drista grabbing it and pushing it away.

"You don't know if that's your Tommy." Drista said, staring at the young boy. "It's probably another one of Dream's tricks."

Tommy started glitching and his body had particles flowing upwards from him. Techno wanted to help with so badly. It hurt to hear him crying.

"But why does he look so...real." Techno said, staring at Tommy. "He needs me."

Drista made a golden sword and handed it to Techno. "Just stab him. He won't feel it and you will gain more control of yourself."

Techno grabbed the golden sword. He just stared at it then back at Tommy. The sound of Dream's laugh echoed in the back of his head. Soon, a glitching Dream stood next to Tommy. His smile was big, just like his mask. Dream's hand was placed on the crying avian's shoulder, like he was trying to comfort him. He wasn't comforting him at all, he was mocking Techno.

Techno frowned at the Puppeteer. Dream soon glitched away and you could hear his laugh echo through the caves. Techno gripped the sword a little tighter. Rage was coursing through his body. 

He sighed and walked over to the boy. Techno walked in front of Tommy and saw tears rolling down his face. Tommy rocked himself back and forth. 

Techno looked back up at Drista and saw her nod. He stood up and placed his hand on Tommy's head as he went behind him. He kneeled down and hugged the boy from behind. Tommy jumped a little. He spoke, but it was inaudible. Techno raised the sword and got ready to shove it into his back.

"Please, Tommy, forgive me." Techno said.

He shoved the sword through Tommy's back and Tommy seemed to react to it, he never screamed. Tommy then glitched again and disappeared, leaving Techno to hug himself. He silently sobbed. 

Drista walked over and comforted Techno. She knew that he was scared and confused. She knew that he was going through a lot.

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