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The walk back from school to my apartment always seems longer than the road there. I always take note of my surroundings, knowing which ways to take, if a crisis were to arise is vital, considering the area I live in. Having an escape plan is as necessary as water.
"Mimma!" I hope it is not me that is called, I do not want to look back, I keep going, looking forward, not picking up speed just ignoring till I reach the corner.

He recognized her hair before her face, only one afro around with green tips he hoped. She froze for a second but she continued walking. He increases his speed.

"Asenath!" My pen name? I turn only to see the man from the cafe, he was coming here, my way, to me, should I leave or stay? Why are my feet not moving with me? Frozen stiff, I smile.

"Hey, do I know you?" I am getting bold but I have to, I do not know this man.

"No, you do not but I was hoping to get to know you." I am uncertain as to whether that was a pick-up line or not, I have never been asked out before. "I hope you are up for it."

"Uhm, I am not sure, I just met you and all. Would I not be exposing myself to extreme dangers?" I would, how do people make friends or even date?

"We both are, for all I know you could be a female serial killer and I am victim number seventy-six." I find myself giggling at the stranger's antics. "Can I get your name and number?"

"I don't give out my info to people I just met." I shrug.

"I will give you mine." I pull my phone out and I punch in his numbers and I look up so that he can give me a name when someone comes our way.

"Awe, Kash, we were looking for you everywhere." Cash... Their name sounded unusual mostly because we refer to cash as our currency.

"Devin, I'm on my way, chill. Mimma, I have to go but call me or else I will see you on Thursday." He jogs to catch up to his friend. I am unsure whether to delete the number or not, I rationalised, he was a drug dealer, not the kind of person I should be associating with.

If I did not call, he would meet up with me in person, I am stuck in a rather huge pickle. I have been saying I need to make friends, I might as well try with someone completely different from myself.

I keep playing the scenario in my head tapping my phone on my hand, thinking as to what I shall text him or if I should rather call.

"Abiya?" It is not Thursday, why would she be calling me.

"Amari?" She releases a sigh, I figure she thought I would not answer. She is one of the few people I talk to at work.

"Tanita can not perform tonight, do you think you can come?" I do not have anything prepared. I am ill-prepared myself.

"At Black Beans?" She lets out a nervous giggle.

"No, at Precious Selina, if you can not, it is okay, if you can, you will get paid for it." Precious Selina is the most expensive restaurant in the city, of course, her parents own it and she runs both Black Beans and Precious Selina.

She made Austin's 40 under 30, for five years in a row. Many people doubt that she made it on her own merit but they have never seen how hard she works. She transformed Precious Selina into a worldwide attraction. Her parents and Mr. Rumming converted Norfolk into the world's capital so she learned from the best.

"How many hours is it?" She releases a shaky breath.

"From nine until one am." Five hours, damn.

"I won't have anything to come back home with." The last bus is at 21:57 and there are no taxis at that time.

"You can take my car and bring it back on Thursday." That is no help.

"I don't have a license." I wait for her response. She laughs. I am glad I have been able to create humour out of a stressful situation.

"Okay. I will take you home." What time was she planning on going home?

"You sure?" Waiting for an answer she picks up a bowl to put in the sink.

"Most definitely. You are doing me a massive favour and I would be glad to do something for you."

"Okay, so I have to wear an evening gown?" I do not think I have one. I have a formal dress but not an evening gown.

"Do you have one?" I go to my closet to check and as I said, I do not own one.

"Uhm, no." Always wanted one, never had an event that required one.

"Okay. I will buy one for you. Do you want to come with me to pick it out?" I feel horrible for making her do all of this.

"Yeah. I will meet you at the mall."

"Okay." She hangs up. I honestly think that is the longest conversation I have had with a person in a very long time. It felt amazing to hear someone laugh. I really do need friends.

I pull out my phone to text Kash. What to say? Hey. No. Hi. No. How are you doing? No. It's Abiya. No. Abiya here. Yes. Awkward but what can I say, that is all I can think of, at the moment at least. Walking out of my apartment I walk into Mrs. Jones. She killed Mr. Jones a few years ago because he was cheating but the court found her not guilty because she slept with the police chief.

"Good Afternoon, Mrs. Jones." She always makes Sunday lunch for me and sometimes asked me to join her. She may be a murderer but she sure is a nice person. She has always been a pillar in the community so no one points it out.

"Afternoon Abiya. I am going away for a few weeks. My aunt passed away and they need me there to cook. I will be back. I left a few groceries for you in the house so if you run out there are some in there. You can go to the Center for food. I told Kayla and Gladys to make sure you don't go hungry. I will call you if anything changes." I go to hug her. She does not usually leave me for a long time but lately, she keeps leaving. I think something is wrong and she does not want to worry me. "Almost forgot, behave. I always know what is going on." She does. All the old ladies tell her everything, I can never keep anything from her because she is also friends with my lecturers. She does not have any children of her own. Mr. Jones always said he was not the 'father-type' whatever that meant.

"I will be here when you get back." I always am.

"Make friends while I am gone. I don't want you to die of boredom. Okay, see you."

I wave as she leaves the apartment building. She has been taking care of me since my father's untimely death. She always makes sure I have everything I need.

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