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Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

She got woken up by her phone but her shuffling and pulling her arm from my waist is what woke me up.

"Da." when she notices that I woke up, she places a kiss on my forehead before jolting up with a frown on her face "Kto zakazal udar?" anger in her voice
[Translation: Who ordered the hit?] she continues listening before running her fingers through her hair "YA idu tuda seychas." [Translation: I am coming there now.] she places the phone on the bedside table before turning to face me

"What's wrong?"

"Uhm, Luka got shot so I am heading to Moscow tonight but I will be back as soon as I can, okay?"

"Yeah." she joins our lips before heading for the shower. She said he was shot not that he was dead, so hopefully, he is okay.

Covered in my towel, she walks out of the bathroom, you can see the heaviness of her thoughts as she glides across the room. I can not ask if she is okay, she is not.

Wrapping my arms around her as she puts on her shirt.

"He will be okay," I whisper into her ear

"Yeah, will you be okay, with me gone?"

"I am a big girl, Amari, I will be fine, just come back as soon as you can okay?" she nods before joining our lips and closing the space between us, her tongue memorizing every inch of my mouth as her hands remember how my skin felt on her fingertips, her nostrils trapping my scent to remember later, while her eyes retain the frame of my face.

"I love you, Bibi." we share a smile, although sadness looms in our eyes. She lets go of me and grabs her phone and we head downstairs, she picks up her keys from the bowl in the hallway.

Waving my hand as she reverses out of the driveway, she smiles before zooming off to the hangar.

Two weeks passed and although she made sure to call me once a day, the distance was killing me, all I wanted to do was be around her, consumed by her.

"Uncle George!" She comes running from the stairs

"Let's walk down the stairs." she slows her pace and waits by the door, waiting for him to knock.

Knock, Knock, Knock, she pulls the door open

"Hey, Ladybug, miss me?" he asks picking her from his leg

"Yes, I did, where is my present?"

"You have to ask nicely."

"Can I have my present please?" she adds a smile knowing he can not say no. He hands her a fashion sketchbook "How did you know I wanted one?"

"An Uncle never reveals his secrets, now go show your mom." he lets her down and she comes running to show me her new book.

"It is beautiful, nana, are you going to draw a dress for me?" she takes a moment to think

"Maybe." she then walks to her room.

"So how is your cousin?"

"Which one?"


"The doctor says he will recover, he will be fine, he is a fighter."

"What about his sister?"

"She is handling it."

"Okay, and what about you?"

"I think I'm good."

"You think?"

"Yeah, I mean I'm sad that Luka got shot you know but I feel like I am also so lost."

"I think the shock of the shooting forced you to re-evaluate your life and when you did there was a lot you felt you should have."

Silence "I mean, I do feel like I should have a girlfriend by now or maybe a job, I am fucking twenty-six and I have nothing to show for that.

"I think you need a soul-searching vacation because you are so busy searching for yourself, you forget that you are you and what you want to do will come to you and lucky for you, your parents can still fund your life."

"I feel as though I am a bit impatient about it."

"Because you were pushed into soul-searching. Take a vacation, and go somewhere warm and sunny with sandy beaches and bottomless mimosas."

"I do like mimosas."

"and sandy beaches!"

"Yeah, thanks for always listening to me."'

"Of course. Now let's go bake some brownies for you."

He left after the brownies were made and the dishes were washed.

"Mama, your phone!" she comes running to me as I finish washing our dinner plates.

"Thank you, baby. Hello?" I did not look at my phone before placing it between my ear and shoulder.

"Hey, Bibi, are you good?"

"Yeah, just washing the dishes before putting Neo to sleep."

"Okay, I was talking with my dad today about how busy I still have to be and I'm pretty booked this week so that means I will probably, be able to see you, next week, I'm really sorry about that." FUCK!

"It's okay, you are a busy woman."

"Yeah, but I still feel bad, I promise I will make it up to you."

"I will hold you up to it."

"That is fine by me." we continue our conversation she even says goodnight to Neo as I tucked her in.
Neo likes her and Neo's opinion matters more than anyone else's because she is directly impacted by the decisions I make or do not make.

"No, I can still stay awake," I whine as sleep tries to pull me in but I am staying awake to talk to Amari

"No, you have to wake up early and we will talk tomorrow, Good night Bibi."

"Night." she hangs up and I am immediately pulled into sleep.


I hope you guys are enjoying this book because I actually am starting to enjoy writing it again.

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