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Apart from the chest pain, slight cough, fever, and chills, Neo was doing well enough for me to sleep. The chair is not comfortable, sleeping on the floor would be better but it is something, I bought a pillow and blanket so I can be comfortable.

I was woken up by Neo complaining about how hard it is to breathe and that she is in pain. I asked the nurse to call Dr. Sethibe and give her some pain medication. Her cough is also worse and her fever is 41°c.

After a while, Dr. Sethibe walks in to check on Neo, she informed me that Neo's condition is about to get worse before it gets better. Hearing that news wrapped my heart in barbwire, she is too young to be going through this.

"Are you okay?" I look up to notice Amari looking at me with a teddy bear and a cup of chai latte.

"No, when did you get here?" she sits beside me and hands me the Chai

"An hour ago, had to go to Black beans and my house. You can talk to me."

"I thought you were busy."

"I was." she says before running a hand through her hair "But when I heard that our little bear got Pneumonia, I felt that it would be better if you had someone here with you."

"So this is a pity visit?" she shakes her head

"It's sympathy and care, I care deeply about you and Neo and I could not listen to George telling me how sad and stressed you are-"

I interject "I can take care of myself," she takes my hand into hers before looking into my eyes

"I know you can, Bi but I care, and with that comes worry and all I can do is think about whether you are okay and then I get distracted. It was either mess up and cost people their lives or come visit you and my little bear."

"So you are missing work?" she lets out a chuckle

"No, I am not missing work. Is that all you got from that?"

"No," she lifts her eyebrow "I heard that you care about Neo and me."

"Yeah, I do. So let me be here."

"As long as you are not missing work."

"Don't worry about my work, I'm here for you, so tell me how you are, my love." did she just call me that?

"Well, I'm okay. I am just waiting for Neo to get better, I want her to get better."

"She will be okay, I think you need to get something to eat."


"When was the last time you are?"

A moment of Silence "Yesterday, but I'm fine," I did not notice the time fly by.

"You need food, My love, at least order something."

"Fine, let's go to the Mugg n Bean across the street."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, she is not waking up anytime soon."

I asked the Nurse to watch her and to call if she wakes up.

For a few days, her condition gets worse, Dr. Sethibe is hopeful that she will get better and today I finally feel as though that is true.

Amari being around means we can take turns coming home and showering, sleeping in a bed, eating home-cooked food, and getting things for Neo, today she wanted her frog plushie.

She has been great, with helping me not fall apart when my baby needs me the most, to making sure that the doctors are doing all they can for her, what did I ever do to deserve this?

"You look good, what did you get me?" she asks as I sit beside her.

"I made you food." I place the frog on the bed Neo is still asleep.

"Nice, thank you." she spanks my butt before I start down

"Are you going home soon?"

"Not until Neo is better," it would be wrong to wish what my mind wants.

"How is Luka?"

"He is doing great. He is out of the hospital and annoying his parents, look I have been thinking, it more of a suggestion but how would you like to when Neo is fully healed go on a vacation."


"Where would you like to go?"

"I think she would love to experience snow, so your home." she smiles

"You're my home." I melt into her arms, how she has me smiling and giddy when my daughter is a few meters away fighting a deadly infection is unknown to me.

The worst is over and we can finally take her home. During the nearly three weeks we have spent in this hospital, Neo and Ri have become best friends.

I asked Dr Sethibe if it would be beneficial to take her to Russia for a while and she agreed and advised that we monitor her closely for the next few days.

I am packing Neo's clothes while she helps Ri cook dinner. Ri is excited that we are going to Moscow with her, she has not stopped smiling. This is also Neo's first vacation out of the country.

"Mama, Aunty Amari says that I should tell you that she is done."

"Thank you baba, are you good?" I ask as I pick her up and place her on my waist.

"I am fine." she lays her head in my chest, she is adorable.

"I made shredded chicken and pasta." she says as she pulls the chair for me, she heads back into the kitchen and comes back with a plate for me and Neo before bringing her own food. The drinks were already on the table.

"This is delicious." I comment after my first bite

"This is delicious, Aunty Amari." Neo struggles with the word but she meant the compliment

"Thank you both. Neo, Are you excited to see my house?"

"Mmh huh, does it have a TV?"

"It does, it has a lot of TVs."

"Like five?"


"What? You can't have that many TVs!"

"We can count them when we get there."

"Okay." she goes back to her plate

"She is wrapping you around her finger and trust me, she has a tight grip."

"I like being wrapped around your fingers." I nearly choke on the wine, why does she make everything sound sexy?

We washed the dishes after dinner and Ri tucked Neo in before coming to cuddle with me.

We decided to leave before midnight so we would be in Moscow by tomorrow. Neo did not want to stay away so Ri is carrying her. Her head is rested on Ri's chest while her hands are wrapped around her head.

Ri called her driver to take us to the hanger.

Hopefully I am on time on Thursday (31/11)

Love you all❤️

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