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She fainted, she was talking fine and then she fainted. Dima is speeding to get to the hospital. She was smiling at me, saying she is fine and then she fainted, I am worried that she might die, I do not want her to die. I need her, more now than ever.

This has been the longest week of my life, all I wanted was her and those people would try to convince me that she hated me, that she was using me because she was not coming and part of me wanted to believe it, that part grew every day until I heard her voice on that call, I heard how much she missed me and my heart drummed stronger for her. I held on for her.

I missed Neo, even more, the thought of my baby losing me, broke my heart, I am all she has, and I know what it's like to yearn for a mom who is dead and I do not want that for her at all. I don't want to be any further than a shout away from her.

"Ma'am, we have to examine you too." the doctor says as I stand there waiting for news on Ri.

"Uhm, okay, where should I go?" she leads the way into an examination room, she starts with blood work

"Will a rape kit be necessary?"

"No, it will not." she nods before finishing up the exam and leaving the room. After a few hours, the surgeon comes in

"How is she?"

"She is good, we removed the bullet and gave her a blood transfusion, we also checked for infections and she has none. She is also awake if you would like to talk to her." I nod before heading to her room.

"Hey," she is awake, she pats the chair next to her bed

"How are you?"

"I am good, how are you?"

"I am also good and should be ready to go home by tomorrow."

"Thats good." I start twiddling my thumbs,

"What is it?" a brief breeze passes by

"Did you forget me?"


"Did you forget me? Is that why it took a week to call the people?"

"No, no, I was going crazy without you, having panic attacks left, right and centre. The reason it took so long was that the people I left in charge of finding you fucked up and so they were chasing their tails instead of chasing you. My love, I would never forget you, ever."


"What should be important to ask is are you still with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"After this happened do you still want to be with me?"

"Amari, I would go through hell and torture for you. You had no control over me getting kidnapped and you did all you could to find me, I still want to be with you and around you."

"Bi, are you sure?"

"One thing I will never doubt is my love for you and you shouldn't either. I love you, a million times over, I love you and I will never leave you." I take her hand and place a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Come on, I need you on me." a giggle escapes my throat, and I pull my lower lip between my teeth before getting on the bed and laying on her left side, the side she is unharmed. "I love you," she whispers into my ear.

"I love you more Galina." she plants a peck on my forehead.

I get stirred out of sleep, by her moving her hand.

"Okay, thank you, Dima." he walks out of the room.

"What was that about?"

"He is here to pick us up."

"Oh yeah. I forgot. I'm just also extremely tired."

"Don't worry, you will get to sleep in the car."

"We are not flying?"

"Snowstorm, so Dima is driving us back to my house."

"Back home."


"Home." she smiles before placing her lips on mine. 

The chairs at the back of the sprinter can be made into a bed, I did not know that but it was great, my muscles are sore, I am exhausted and I just want to lay in her arms and dream about what life could be.

We got home pretty late, Neo was at her mom's house and we promised to fetch her tomorrow, we are just tired.

"Hey, baby girl."


"Yeah, it's your Mama. How are you?"

"I miss you, where are you?"

"Aunty Amari and I just got home but she is hurt so we will fetch you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, Ma, I missed you."

"I missed you more, my baby, I missed you so much I am crying, I want you to give the phone back to grandma Aly, good night, I love you."

"I love you too, mama. Good night. Grandma Aly, here my mom wants to talk to you."


"Aly, I would like to thank you for taking care of Neo."

"It's no big deal, I love the bärchen, how is she?"

"She is good, handling the situation well. She is going to be needing a lot of help and you know how she gets with help. I had to beg her to get her up the stairs."

"She is stubborn, I will be coming over as well to help you tomorrow okay?"

"Thank you, Aly." I hang up and go to check on her, in the bathroom "You good?"

"Yeah, can you fetch me a towel?"

"You were bathing?"

"Yeah," I bring her the towel before helping her into her closet while I take a quick shower.

I just wish I could fast forward to this awkward stage of my life. I wish I could wake up tomorrow with all this anger and anxiety gone.

"Mama!" Neo runs into my arms from Aly's car

"Nana, I missed you so much!" firmly wrapped my arms around her "You are going to tell me all about your week, okay?"

"Yes, I will,"

"Okay, go to your room, I'm coming." she runs upstairs, she probably can not wait to start playing with her toys.

"She is very excited to have you back."

"I am happy to be back."

"How are you, answer me honestly."

"Scared that I will be ripped away from my family again, anxious that Amari is going to break up with me again to keep me safe and terrified that my mind will never leave that place."

"You will never have to go through that again, I promise you that, I will teach you to defend yourself just like I taught all my children. Amari will not be a fool twice if she tries I will break her fingers. You will leave that rancid place, trust me, you will, you just have to allow yourself to move on."

"Thank you, Aly."

"Anything for you, come on let's go help her."

She is back home but is she mentally okay?


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