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The first Thursday back was normal but Ri was not there. I was hoping to see her, hoping to know that we are okay. I have been trying to find another job, a permanent job that will pay for my apartment and my food.

Naledi should be arriving soon, she needs to settle in and I promised to look after her. She is going to be doing a course in Actuarial Science, her parents wanted her to be a Chartered accountant but she found Actuarial Science to be her thing.

I got a puppy named Jolene, she is the cutest thing ever. She is a white French bulldog, she is a rescue. She has been biting my chairs, which I hate but I have been training her and she is getting better, she also loves to bark at weird times of the night, thankfully Mrs Jones said I can have a dog so no one can force me to take her to the shelter.

"Jojo!" She runs to my feet and circles my right foot, her favourite. "Guess what I got you?" She is obsessed with mangoes. "Now, let me cut it for you."

We spend the day watching movies and she fell asleep on my chest. She sleeps at the foot of my bed but not on the bed, no sleeping on my bed. Trying not to wake her up, I carry her to her bed, of course, she is faking it and has been awake since I tried getting up from the couch.

"Okay, Jojo, go to sleep, I will see you tomorrow, good night." A kiss on her forehead and I change into my pyjamas and get into bed.

Kash and I planned to go out today, we have not spent time together so this should go well. We are going to a painting picnic, my idea.

When we get there, there are a few people, everyone is in conversation. We grab a few drinks and begin talking to the people in the room introducing ourselves.

"Good afternoon everyone." The host says in the middle of the room. "I am glad everyone could make it. Before we get to the painting, I would like to remind everyone to have fun, let loose and allow art to speak through them." Applause as everyone finds their seats.

I am painting a tree, reminding me of my family, its leaves are mostly on the ground dead while the branches are breaking but one is still intact and green.

After we are done everyone gets to talk about their paintings.

"Everyone sees Cemeteries as these dark lonely places but imagine how much fun ghosts have?" Kash says explaining his artwork which is a cemetery adorn with light and colourful hues.

"Great work." Everyone applauds his work and we move to mine.

"Uhm, it's a family tree with only one person alive and everyone else dead or unknown."

"That's it?"

"Pretty much." They spend time looking at it before we move on.

"I liked it," Kash whispers into my ear.

"Thank you." We have lunch and converse before it is late and we all head home. Kash and I head to Black beans to have our dinner.

"Why does your art always bring such light to what is dark?"

"Why does your art shed darkness on what is light?" He flips my question

"Because all I have known is darkness so I feel comfortable in it."

"Well I have known darkness and happiness and I prefer the latter."

"So you would rather be delusional than sad?"

"Pretty much, yes. Is it not drowning being surrounded by that much darkness?".

"You get used to it and then it is all you want. I am okay with it." We continue our chat. I was hoping to see Ri but she was nowhere to be seen. I enjoy her company I hope she does not hate me.

A month went by and Justin told me that the only day she does not come in is Thursdays, is she avoiding me and if she is why?

It is frustrating me, I hate it.

"Abiya!" Kash calls as I walk over to my apartment complex.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, is your passport valid?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I just got invited to Santorini by George, the dude who had that party, he said I could bring one person along and I thought of you." I look at him in disbelief.

"Tell me you are kidding." I open the gate and we walk in together.

"Nope, I am being dead serious, it is an all-expenses-paid trip, who says no to that?" No one.

"I can't just say yes though." Jojo runs to my leg I pat his head.

"Yes you can, please say yes."

"Who is going to be there?"

"George from the party, his cousins and siblings."

"So why are you invited?"

"They are bringing their friends so yeah, say yes please I don't want to be the only not rich person there." I wonder if he is related to Amari?

"Fine, when are we leaving and for how long?"

"Tomorrow and for about a week." He is playing with me.

"Tell me you are lying!" He pulls out his phone and shows me that chats between him and George. Sure enough he was asked to bring a friend and that we are leaving tomorrow for a week.

To be fair, you only live once and Jojo will have someone to look after her.

"Okay, you only live once so sure."

"Yes! Thank you, I owe you for life for this."

"You do, let me go open for you so I can come back to pack."

First things first, what is the weather like in Greece this time of year? After googling the weather, i realise that Greece is cold, 14°c maximum temperature? That's cold here in Bloemfontein, that's winter temperatures.

I pack jerseys, a few bikinis because it is still a beachy location and Jacuzzis are things. A carry on bag, my handbag and suitcase, I place them in the kitchen.

I told Mrs Jones about the trip and also told Naledi on what to do while I was gone and how to take care of Jojo. I texted Amari that I will not be able to be there on Thursday due to a vacation I am taking.

She replied.


That is it. Nothing else. Why does this bother me? Ugh.

I set my alarm for five am because we are leaving for the airport at 9 am, that's what Kash told me.

The Don's Saving Grace (GxG)✔️Where stories live. Discover now