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We touch down in Russia and go straight to her parent's house. She said they are not at home yet so I could get settled in. I wanted to stay in her room because I do not think I can be alone.

"I need to be somewhere, I will be right back. Don't be too curious." She plants a kiss on my head before she walks out the door.

For a few hours, I am by myself in this big house until Ashanti walks through the door with Luka.

"Hey Abiya, what you doing here?" Luka asks as his sister waves at me.

"Just visiting your older sister."


"Yep, her." I am nervous, more than I would like to admit.

"Cool, I'm sure she will be back any minute now." He goes upstairs.

After a while, Ri walks in.

"Sorry, I took that long, I got held up. did you eat?" I shake my head "Abiya?"

"I was not hungry." She walks into the kitchen and walks back out and sits next to me. I try to lay my head on her shoulder but she moved her arm and shifts her body so I am laying on her chest. I feel her breathing stabilise and I look up to see her dozing off, must have been a rough day.

One of their maids brings me a plate of food. Her phone starts ringing, without opening her eyes, she fishes it out of her pocket and puts it on her ear.


"Call Katrina." She opens her eyes. "Fine." She gets up. "Are you done?" A nod and she holds her hand out "I have somewhere I need to be and I can bring you along so uhm, fetch a book and we can go." She knows me so well. She gets another call. "No, Ma, I need to go to the office." We walk into her room and she takes out a coat for me before she puts on a winter leather jacket. "Ma, you will see her at dinner, I will make sure of it... Yes Ma, I had Mrs Jones make her food... Ma, I can cook, I was tired... I am sorry." She motions for us to leave. "Ma, can I entertain my guest? No, because I can't do that while I am on the phone with you." She moves her phone from her ear.

"Uhm that was my mom."

"I realised, do you always talk to her like that?"

"I try not to, sometimes she just seems to think I can not think for myself."

"So she is a mom." She laughs as she tells her chauffeur where to take her.

"She is slightly more dramatic. She says I should have cooked for you instead of asking the chef to make something for you. We have a chef for a reason." A giggle escapes my mouth.

"But you love her."

"More than I would like to admit. You sure you don't mind coming with me?"

"No, I am glad I get to come with you, hopefully your parents don't mind having Jojo around?"

"They said that I must just make sure she does not break anything irreplaceable."

"Oh, well I think Luka will take care of her well."

"Yeah." We stop outside an enormous building, the chauffeur opens the door for me, while Ri holds out her hand and I instinctively hold on to it.

Everyone greets her and she nods. We get on an elevator and go to the top floor.

"Okay, I am here." There is a photoshoot set up, there are other women, a photographer and what seems to be his assistant.

"Ladies thank you, we will call you if you are needed." They all nod at Ri before leaving. "Okay so for this shoot we were thinking of personalising it. We thought it best we show a softer side to you rather than what most people think of you as. Your parents had you guys, to humanize them, you have puppies." I let out a giggle.

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