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"I don't give a damn what they think
I want you now
I don't wanna stop just because
You feel so good inside of my love"

Singing for Rich people is weird because they bring their significant others yet they stare at you, singing.
I enjoyed singing more than I would like to admit, I prefer spoken word but something about singing is different, it feels as though you are free and unbound. Amari was socializing and making sure everyone is happy but soon the number of people decreased until there was but one table. The date was splendid, it was visible in how they were both grinning and touching hands.

The band is gone and I am waiting for Amari. I decide to sing a little something I wrote myself.

_why did you happen to be the person that you are_
_Could have been the love of my life but you hurt me so bad_
_you burnt my skin with the touch of you_
Keeping me from loving someone else

"What are you singing?" Startled I jump before realising that Amari was listening to me.

"Something I wrote a while ago, it does not have a name yet." She nods before going to the piano chair and sitting.

"You can finish it." I smile at her before continuing the song. When I am done I hear her clapping.

"Ready to go?" I nod and she leads us out of the restaurant through the back door.

"Didn't know you wrote songs, what can you not do?" Keep my life from falling apart

"You would be surprised at what I can not do. I have been writing songs for years actually, at first it was horrible, terrible corny songs but we developed."

"We love growth."

"Oh okay. You can stop here, Thank you." In front of the apartment complex gate.

"Thank you for taking time out of your day to help me out, it means a whole lot to me. I owe you big time."

"Do not worry about it, I did not have much to do anyway. Travel home safely. I will see you on Thursday." She waves goodbye as I walk up the stairs leading to my apartment.

"If anything, I should consider a pet." I surprise myself oftentimes when I speak out loud. There is never much noise, haunting rather but I have gotten used to it. Kash is still yet to respond, I told him that I am rather terrible at friendships, which is honest. I have never had one to reference.

My childhood was filled with trips to chemo and many more to the retirement home. Filled with packing and moving to different houses. Finding friends in all of that madness was difficult so I focused on painting, drawing, singing, playing different instruments and writing. I am an artist and I have spent hours honing my crafts but at the bitter expense of my childhood. 

"Tomorrow is Saturday, do you want to hang out?" His text is rather open, not committing to an activity I might want to avoid.

"Okay. How about we go to the bowling alley?" The last time I went bowling Mrs Jones beat me. Never challenge her, she has a competitive streak, an insufferable one but it can be entertaining.


"Have you ever been bowling?" He looks as though he has never been bowling. As though he spent most of his time entertaining other activities. Kash is handsome and attractive in that manner that makes you feel warm in a certain nether region, his smile was warm and inviting while his personality left you laughing.

"Yes, a few times with my dad, how about you?" His accent is rather potent adding to his sex appeal.

"Many times with my neighbour, she beat me all the time..." He interjects


"Yes, she is this sweet lady in her forties who occasionally cooks for me, does my laundry and scolds me if my apartment is a slum. She also happens to be my landlord but I like her." He seems marvelled at my relationship with Mrs Jones.

"Are all your friends' old ladies?" A hearty laugh erupts between us.

"Well yes, she is my only friend so yes." The awkward silence I expected never came because he brings more questions with him. He has a curious nature much like a cat.

"Now why is that? You do not relate to other people or do people not open up to you?" I never really thought about other people.

"No. It was more, I just never let anyone try." He shrugs. "What are your pronouns, I never asked you."

"He/him. Yours?"

"She/her." Going back to the conversation at hand he asks me plenty of questions and they seem never-ending.

I was so engulfed in my conversation with Kash, I barely noticed that we spent nearly the entire day together. Kash has a little brother and a father at home. His mother pass on due to ovarian cancer a few years ago. His father has lung cancer and the doctors do not know how long he has.

"I actually enjoyed tonight, thank you, Kash." Kash was great company. After bowling, we went to get lunch to get to know each other better and I must say I feel better knowing that he is such an amazing person. I tried not to ask about the drug dealing and I did not. It is a question for a better time when we are well acquainted.

"Me too, hoping we could do it again soon." We stop in front of my door.

"I have a busy week so we could do it again Saturday?" He nods before kicking the air. I unlock my apartment and open the door a bit.

"Sure. See you on Thursday." I forgot about that. I walk in and he turns around to leave.

"Oh yes, Thursday, see you then." Closing the door I head to my room to change into comfortable clothing. Before I began doing my homework while listening to Bobby Womack.

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