55[Amari's POV]

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I had planned to be home by now but I keep getting busier by the minute.

"Ms Amari, it is nice to see you again."

"Wish I could say the same for you, Kal."

"Don't sound so sour. How was the flight?"

"Daunting, now tell me why your boys are playing on my property again?"

"Amari, last I checked you said you were not interested in trafficking."

"Like my father told your father, we do not do human trafficking and I do not want to have it going on in my territory, this is a courtesy visit, next time, it will be accompanied by a bullet in your head and the burning of your village."

"You should be careful where you throw your threats."

"Baby boy, I don't make threats, I am not afraid of you or your little gang."

"You know, you are not God."

"He has a few genocides over me, big whoop, I am serious, return those girls before the end of the week." I say before walking out and heading back to Estonia for a meeting.

I want a vacation with Abiya and Neo, just go somewhere warm and sunny so I get to see her in a bikini all the time.

"Miss Amari, zvonok iz vashego doma." Alana hands me a phone [Translation: Miss Amari, a call from your house.]

"Spasibo." I say before placing the phone on my ear [Translation: Thank you.] "Privet?" [Translation: Hello?]

"G-zha Amari, g-zha Abiya byla pokhishchena neskol'ko chasov nazad." Vadim reports [Translate:Ms Amari, Ms Abiya was taken a few hours ago.]

"Kakiye?"[Translation: What?] for a few minutes my hearing goes away, my sight goes black and I can feel my heart stop "Who took her?"

"We do not know, Ma'am."

"How the fuck do you not know?"

"No one knows where your house is so it is hard to find who took her."

"You said she has been gone for hours, why is it taking this long?"

"No one noticed she was missing until a few minutes ago."


"We checked the CCTV footage to find out when she was taken and it was at two, thirty-four."

"Fuck, I'm coming, where is Neo?"

"Helen put her to sleep, ma'am."

"Okay, I will be there in an hour." a breathe, and my chest struggles to inflate, there are sharp pains, as though my heart is being stabbed. "Fuck!"

"Ms Amari." I look up to see Alana at the door with
a worried look on her face

"I am fine, call the pilot, I am going to Petersburg and then call my mother!" fuck this can not be happening again. She hands me the phone.

"Hey nana, what up?"

"Mama, someone took Abiya and I'm having a panic attack." the last part comes out as a whisper as the pain in my chest gets worse

"Breath, we will find her, you will be with her, we will all spend New Year's together. Think about the time when you were ten and we were going to visit Uncle Ciro in Tuscany, think about the green fields, think about the grapes, the purple hues, the bright sun, think about how the sun felt on your skin."

"Thank you, Mama."

"Always happy to help my baby. I will tell Luka to help you find her, okay nana?"

"Ma, uhm, can you come over?"

"To Petersburg?"


"I will be there in a few hours okay?"

"Thank you, Ma." I hang up and make my way to the hangar, my mind is clouded and my heart in pain, who would dare want to cross me?

When I get home, Vadim, Dima, Katinka, Daniel and Luka are in the living room, talking.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was headed for Germany when Dima told me the news, how are you, sestra?"

"Uhm, I'm fine. Any news?"

"Not at the moment, no."

"Wake me up when there is." they nod and I want to be in my bed more than anything but when I pass the guest room door, I see Neo, asleep. I head into the room and get in next to her. I place a kiss on her forehead before trying to fall asleep.

"Aunty Amari, wake up please," Neo begs

"I'm up, what's wrong?"

"Where is my mama?"

"She..." what the hell do I say "is..." I don't want her to panic "She is at her friend's house, she had to go quickly and help her and she is coming back okay?" she nods "Come on, can I get a hug?" she walks into my arms and squeezes as hard as she can. She must be scared. "What do you want to do, today?"

"Can we play in the snow, Mama said she didn't have snow boots."

"She is right, you don't have any either so we have to go shopping first." she sighs before nodding and jumping off the bed.

I head to my room and shower before going into my kitchen to make myself breakfast.

"Neo, can you go bath, and then we can have breakfast?" she nods running into the guestroom.

"Hey Mari," Luka says walking to the kitchen "How are you?"

"I'm fine. Still nothing?" he nods

"Hey Baby, I was going to make you breakfast." my mom says walking up to me before opening her arms

"It's okay, Neo is a picky eater and I wouldn't want her starving because you don't make her food the way she prefers."

"Okay. What are you making?"

"Scrambled eggs and toast, want some?"

"Yes." they both reply.


"So what are we doing?"

"Neo and I are going shopping while I allow my great team to find who is responsible for her mother's abduction."

"You are not going to help them?"

"I would only get in the way, I am not myself."

"Well if it's any help, I will be there and we will get her back and deal with the bastards who took her."

"Thank you, Luka."

We had breakfast before I got the g-wagon and Neo and I headed for the mall. Dima was with us, he wanted to make sure we are safe.

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