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When I woke up, she was nowhere to be found, a note was left on the table. I am glad she left me the note, part of me is always afraid she will leave me.

Buy until I call you
Xoxo The lady that lays next to you at night

It made me smile, the why she thought about me before she left. After breakfast, I was escorted to the mall by David and Daniel, it was weird but it helped, they were my personal bag holders, the books are heavy.

As we are in Prada, a store clerk comes my way, not with a good facial expression.

"Miss, I have two agents who would like to have a chat with you." Agents? FBI?

"Okay, where are they?" She points to the door. "Gentlemen? How can I help you?" I have been reading too many period books.

"It's about Miss Ziatzev, your girlfriend, can we talk in private?"

"Uhm, no. I should not be talking to you at all, without my lawyer evens."

"We are not charging you."

"Good. Is that all?"

"We would like your help..."


"Do you know the crimes she has committed? The people she has killed?"

"I prefer to be left in the dark, they say Ignorance is bliss and I couldn't agree more."

"And you are okay with that?"

"There are people who do worse."

"Is this who you want to be? Spending blood money?"

"You know who I am? I am a woman who chose love. As crazy as it may sound to you, I chose the woman I love and I will keep choosing her, if that is all, I should get back to spending her blood money."

"Can't you see she changed you?"

"Who was I before I met her? Did you know me? Can you tell me the difference?" I turn to go back to choosing a bag to put Jojo in.

How self-righteous must you be to assume that I have changed when you barely know me. They knew of me yesterday when Amari's case file fell on their desk, yet they claim I have changed? How have I changed? They barely know me.

"David, I'm ready to go back now." He nods and leads us out of the mall.

"Did you have fun my little bean?" He smiles my way before licking my arm. "Let's get some food, Daniel, can you stop at a drive-through, a good one? I am in the mood for a burger and fries."

"Yes ma'am." As we near Burger King, his phone rings. "Yes ma'am." He places the phone on the holder

"Bibi, I am going to need you to come directly to my office, I will have someone buy you food."

"Is everything okay?"

"I will explain when you get here, I love you." She hangs up, why does she need me? What could it be?

A lady in a blue dress with black shoes and a slick back ponytail leads me to where Ri is. She is sitting on a couch, with a glass in her hand, probably vodka.

"Here she is, Ma'am." The lady closes the door as I walk in. Ri nods, curt and short. She smiles but it does not light up her face.

"Ri, what is going on?"

"The car I was in exploded as my bodyguard was going to fetch you, I am trying to narrow down who would be so bold. I need you with me, so I know you are safe." What?

"I'm trying to process this all, are we safe here?"

"Yes, my uncle will make sure of that. I should not have brought you here." My hand moves to cup her cheek

"No, where you go, I go." She settles into my hand, a man walts into the room

"Oh, sorry to interrupt, Miss Goncharov, we think we know who did it."

"Mila Petrov?" The man shakes his head hesitantly

"Alexander Becker owns a motor manufacturing firm in Germany."

"Why am I the target?"

"Mila Petrov is his Godchild, she must have told him something awful because he is not an instigator."

"Does he think I am dead?" He nods "Good, keep it that way. I need to make a few calls, you can leave."  The man nods before exiting the room.

"This is so crazy."

"I know, uhm Sandy is on her way with our food."

"You haven't eaten today, have you?" She shakes her head

"It slipped my mind."


"Bibi, I am okay. How was your shopping trip?"

"Good until the feds ambushed me."

"What? Is everyone trying to take a bite of me?"

"I think so." She smiles

"What did they want?"

"Testimony. They want me to testify against you." She nods before leaning her head back to look at the ceiling "Why do they think I know something?"

"They want to use you, put a wire and hope I say something incriminating around you."

"Would you?"

"Yes, but even with a witness on the stand, I am not stepping a foot in jail. They know that I spent years building my connections, they will not fail me." Sandy walks in with our food. "About time, I was starting to eat myself."

"Sorry Ma'am." She places the food on the table and leaves. She gestures for me to eat.

She dials numbers into her phone and places it to her ear. "Mr Becker, it is Amari Zaitzev-Goncharov." She stands up and heads towards the window "I hope you believe in God because only he can save you from what I am going to do to you... You should have researched me, Alex." She places the phone on speaker

"I think we can come to an agreement." He begs, his voice firm and strong but his meaning, an ask for a lifeline.

"What are you willing to offer me, that I do not have? You have three hours by then if I don't have a great pitch, your wife will be getting a lovely visit from my friends." She hangs up and ists next to me

"Is it necessary to hurt people?"

"You hurt a few people bad enough, you don't have to hurt a million more, reputation can take you further than anything. How is the food?"

"Good, not what I was craving but good."

"What would you like?"

"McDonald please?"

"Of course." She texts my order to the lady in the blue dress.


I am happy so happy, this book passed five hundred reads, one of my other ones passed 20k and the other is nearly at 30, it's a great day for me.

The Don's Saving Grace (GxG)✔️Where stories live. Discover now