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Playlist? Check. Snacks? Check. Pillows? Check. Things to do? Check. More snacks? Check and check.

Vadim is going to be our driver for today, what I did not know is that Ri had a sprinter van that was remodelled for easier travel. It is spacious and I know Neo enjoys being able to watch her shows on a screen bigger than a tablet.

After breakfast, Luka and Ri had a chat, I think it went well judging by how they came back to the table. Ri's parents wished us well on the trip and said to call when we arrive, it feels good to know that someone cares about you and I have gone so long feeling lonely that I barely realised that I felt that way.

Ri came into my life eleven years ago and it took three years for us to talk and develop a relationship, when we did she had to fulfil her duties in the Russian mob and that took her away from me, when we did get back together, she became paranoid that she would lose me to mob violence or an attack meant for her that she pushed me away, straight into Pacer's arms and she got mad about it. Fast forward nearly five years and I am a sprinter, sitting beside her with my daughter in front of us watching one of her shows. I still feel lonely but it no longer consumes me.

"Tell me, since we spoke about choosing each other, how are we going to work it out?"

"I would prefer it if you live with me but I understand that you can not just uproot your life for me as you did a few years ago."

"Let me think about it okay?"

"That is okay, my love, take your time."

"I just want to make sure that I make the best decision for Neo."

"I know and I want the best for the both of you." I know

"Why do you love me?"

"Uhm, you are weird, funny, pretty and I mean gorgeous, there are so many better reasons but I can not think of them right now but I know that I love you more than life itself."

"Okay, sometimes I wonder about why exactly you love me when you could have any other person."

"You my dear are the only one for me, in this lifetime and all others."

We spent the rest of the journey talking and getting interrupted by her phone. Neo and I slept for a few hours while Ri continued to work.

Her house was more traditional even having the classic red brick which looked amazing coupled with the snow. She hired a nanny to help me while we are here.

She cooked dinner while we watched and after dinner, we tucked Neo in before watching a movie.

Her hand is resting on my stomach, I get overwhelmed with the desire for her. I turn around a whisper into her ear, basically begging "I want you."

"Do you now?" she says before her fingers make it around my neck "How badly do you want me?"

"I can show you," I say before binding our lips, she tastes amazing, she places me on her lap and holds my waist

She takes off my shirt and starts sucking on my boob while pinching and flicking the other one, if there is one thing my baby knows how to do, it is bring me pleasure on a silver platter

"Fuck!" She trails kisses along my abdomen until she reaches the hem of my underwear, laying me on the couch

"We don't need this," she says as she pulls my panties off before trailing kisses along my thighs

"Ri..." I whine in anticipation

"Good things come to those who wait." She says before I feel her tastebuds on my labia, her tongue entering and leaving my vagina. Her thumb makes it onto my clit, strumming and rubbing on it.

"Ri, fuck! Yes, yes yes." I say as she sticks two fingers into my vagina,

"How good do I make you feel?"

"So good!" I say before I feel her sucking on my clit "Fuck! Yes! Oh my, Ri..." I whimper as she continues to paint euphoria on my vulva.

"Cum for me." She demands and I obey. After I cum all over my vulva, she picks me up and takes me into her bedroom. A whimper strolls off my lips as throws me onto her bed, she peels off her clothes.

"Do I look good?" what kind of question is that?

"You look absolutely amazing my love."

"I do?" She asks as she gets on top of me, joining our lips once again but this time my hand travels to her labia and I rub and caress it and she moans into my mouth

"Bibi," she whimpers, I love th sound of that, her at my mercy. I flip her around so she is at the bottom while I am at the top.

Two of my fingers slid into her "Oh, my God, Bibi, fuck," she groans as I thrust my fingers into her vagina, pressing on her clit with my thumb and bringing her pleasure

"Does it feel good?"

"It fucking does," she groans, her orgasm is close and I continue twiddling my fingers inside her while also kissing her neck, stimulating more than just her pussy.

"Fuck!" she moans as I give her a hickey, while she cums onto my hand "Fuck, that felt great."

"You liked it?"

"I loved it." she places me onto her pelvis "I love when you bring me pleasure."

"I love you."

"I love you too," I start grinding on her pelvis "My love, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Looks like you want to fuck me."

"I do, you're just so sexy."

She moves her leg and I place mine in between hers before placing my clit on hers. "Fucking hell, Bi," she groans

"I love seeing you begging me for a change" I am grinding on her vulva, pressing on my clit with hers and pleasing myself as well as hee

"Just like that?"

"Uh-huh, just like that, Bibi, just like that"

"Fuck!" I moan louder than I intend and I increase the intensity, my orgasm is close and I can see hers is too, she continues focusing slightly more on her pleasure than mine, holding my waist fucking into me as well

"Fuck!" she moans as I grind on her.

"Ri, I'm cumming,"

"Me too." she continues her pace and intensity, her breathing tells me that she is closer than me

"Oh fuck!" she says as she orgasms, letting go of my waist.

This chapter is mostly smut and you know what, I'm not mad. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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