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"What colour do you want?" Amari insisted on paying for the dress herself and so I am trying not to be crazy with my request. She took us to a designer store, I do not understand why there was really no need, I only need one dress.

"Anything that is not too crazy, I don't like sequins." She nods her head and moves around the store, looking for dresses that would suit me.

What am I going to sing tonight? For five hours. Obviously, there will be breaks. I only sing for three hours. One hour at a time. I will probably get my three-month salary for those three hours.

"How does it look?" I ask coming out of the dressing rooms. She shakes her head.

"Not this one, it does not look good, try another one." Going back into the dressing room, I pick a gorgeous spaghetti strap black gown with an open back. I walk out and she looks at the dress on me before giving her feedback.

"Turn for me, please." Slowly turning to make sure she sees the dress perfectly to be able to be honest with her opinion. "Yeah. I like this one. It looks great on you. Do you like it?" I could care less, to be honest, the more time I spend in this dress the more anxious I get about tonight.

"I like it better than the other ones." She nods and moves to find an attendant. I go and change into my clothes before making my way to the register where Amari is with one of the attendants. She pays for the dress.

"Call me." The attendant tells her as she slides her phone number on a card. Amari smiles and puts the number in her back pocket. I do not mention the questions swirling in my head and we head to her car in silence.

"So is there a setlist or is it just a freestyle?" Amari was driving. She looked alluring, in her zone. She always looked rather frantic when things were not working out but in moments when it all came together, she was captivating. She looks a lot like her father. Her nose is her most captivating feature, it pulls you into the rest of her face.

"Ballads. I think there is a list so the band can know what you are singing." She is focused on the road and I do not know what to do or say.

"Cool." What do people talk about? What do people do?

"How was your day?" Thank you for breaking the tension.

"It was nothing special, as ordinary as every other day, other than your call."

"Oh, I was a highlight?"

"Your call was." She laughs, it is quite infectious and I am happy that I can get her to laugh.

"How is school going, I heard you are almost done."

"From who, who is keeping you up with my life?"

"Your colleagues talk and sometimes I listen, now how is school going?"

"Good, almost done so that counts for something right. I love that I am almost done."

"What are you doing after school?" I have not thought about it.

"I don't know yet. I am trying to apply for Journalism jobs but it is a tough industry, especially for quiet people like myself."

"You want to do print media?"

"Yeah, I love writing so I think that should be good for me."

"Apply to Black Bear publications."

"Thank you, I will apply when I get home."

"Good." A few moments we spend in silence and it is not heartbreaking, it is more heartwarming.

"How was your day?"

"I was waiting on that."

"Oh, don't be dramatic."

"Stressful as always, so it was mundane."

"You know stress is not good for you."

"Neither is sugar but you seem to never stop eating tons of it."

"Do you watch me while I am at work?" A chuckle

"Sometimes but I need to."

"Sure we will go with that."

"You remind me of my mother." The Alyone Zaitsev

"Really? In what way?"

"She thinks she is the funniest person in the room." Damn, my ego.

"Wow, my fragile self-esteem, gone."

"It will grow back, you should go out more." Confused, I look to her for clarification.

"Why would you say that?" She looks at me.

"You don't have friends." She is blunt, she does not beat around the bush.

"How do you know that?" How does she know that? We only talk at work, if we do.

"You never talk to anyone and you are always looking at your phone. I have never heard you mention anyone and I always see you by yourself." Maybe I have friends that live far away.

"It gets hard making friends, I don't know how to start conversations."

"You just start, try not to be creepy. Compliment them or point something out that you notice the both of you have in common." Seems easy enough.

"I will give it a try, soon."

We get to my complex and she drops me off before leaving to go back to work.

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