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We get to the hotel and some people run up to Kash, George, and Ri.

"Have not seen you in forever." Ri hugs this girl tightly, she looks fifteen. A kiss on her forehead. "Guys this is Abiya, a friend of mine and Kash's."

Audience reaction to my name. Hugs across the board.

"So we were waiting on you guys, uhm so how are we splitting the rooms?"

"I made a list because I have order, unlike you guys." She says lightheartedly. "Tried to make sure everyone is happy so if you are not switch with that person's roommate.
Mariya and Arawelo
Katinka and Vera
Kirill and Andrei
Ivan and Masi
Rob and Luka
Ashanti and Lilac, have fun
George and Kash.
Abiya, you are with me, was I right or do yall know yourselves better than me?" Everyone nods. "This is why I am the oldest."

"Sure thing Mom." Her sister calls.

"Go get your keys. See everyone tomorrow." Everyone goes with their roommate to get their keys. "Are you okay with staying with me or should I get you a different room?"

"No, it's okay. Rather, someone, I know than someone I don't."

"Good." She hands me a key card and we go to our suite.

At the end of the hall, is the biggest suite on this floor. She opens it and holds the door open for me.

"So the way things work is, the day is for the individual roommates to decide what they want to do because we don't all have the same interests but night time is for group bonding so beach bonfires, skinny dipping in the ocean, jacuzzi parties, no external people, we learnt our lesson the hard way."

"So what do you want to do?"

"I have seen most of Greece, you tell me what you want to do and we will do that." Flex on me.

"Show me around, show me the places you like to see."

"Okay, we leave at eight-thirty." Turning around to rummage through my clothes for something to wear. It is a bit chilly so a romper with a light jersey is my go-to.

A quick shower before makeup and styling my hair.

"Abiya, it's quarter to nine." It should be illegal for her to use my name when she gave me a nickname already.

"Oh okay, I am done, we can go." My purse to my side she opens the door for me. "Thank you. Where are we headed?"

"Breakfast then go to buy a camera, you will need it after that, a bit of exploring, lunch and we will have time to watch the sunset." A nod from me and she focuses on everyone else. She greets the hotel staff and we start walking out the door, I wonder where everyone is.

We walk for about five minutes before we get to a restaurant and Ri talks to the hostess in what I assume is Greek. The hostess leads us inside and places us at the back in a booth. She places the menus in front of us.
Thankfully the menu has pictures so I do not have to google translate anything.

"Ready to order?"

"Can I get the steak with two shots of Jameson, no ice but bring a separate diet coke."

"And you Ma'am?"

"Chicken pasta with a coke." She nods and walks away. "How was Christmas?"

"Great, I got to see my family, how was your Christmas?"

"Good, I enjoyed it for the first time in a while, it was fun to immerse myself in something again."

"I am happy for you." Silence for a while.

The Don's Saving Grace (GxG)✔️Where stories live. Discover now