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Being the first thing I see in the morning, his face looks beautiful. He has long eyelashes, thick eyebrows, glorious skin, thin lips and his narrow nose.

His eyes flutter open, his lips turn to make a soft smile and I feel his hand on my back, he pulls me closer to him.

"Good morning."

"Good morning," his voice is groggy and husky. "How did you wake up?"

"Good, seeing you asleep made me happy."

"Good to know you were not thinking of killing me in my sleep." I nudge his stomach "You are beautiful." He says as his hand traces my jaw

"Thank you. Are you going to work?"

"You want to get rid of me?"

"Not even close,"

"I am not working today, you have me all to yourself." He says before he pulls me closer to him "all to you." He whispers while staring into my eyes.

"All to myself." Joining our lips, I close the distance between us by pressing my body against him, his fingers swirling lines on my back, he feels safe and homey. Oh my God, I am falling in love with him!

We do spend the day together, in bed watching TV, we showered separately because he wanted to get the food when it got here.

Spending time with him has helped me realise just how in love with P, I am. He makes me feel safe but also makes me feel seen and important, I tend to feel as though no one can see me, as though if I died today no one would notice and he makes me feel as though someone would care.

He helps me on my bad days and rejoices with me on my good days, he is a great guy and I am happy to be in love with him, I never thought I would fall in love after her but here I am, happily in love.

"Bi, I need to go, the guys need me."

"What for?" I whine as he puts his boots on

"Kai is proposing and needs help organising everything."

"Okay, I do not want his person getting mad that everything is not perfect so you can go but come back okay?"

"Of course, I will." He turns around and places a kiss on my forehead.

After he left, I headed for the office to pick up three new manuscripts, I am bored out of my mind, bad writing will definitely fill the vacuum. It is a Saturday so the office is supposed to be empty, the building is open because Ms Tau works on Saturdays as well which is why I knew I could find it open.

Her door is slightly ajar, I knock once before I hear the invitation to go inside.

"Ms Tau, I just came to..." My breath dies in my throat because in front of me sits Ri, opposite Ms Tau.

"Good afternoon, Abiya." She says, she looks good, slightly more muscular than when I last saw her. Her hair looks great, it is up in a bun, perfectly done as well as her make-up. She looks great, magazine cover ready, my heart's breaker.

"Afternoon, Ms Tau, I just came to fetch a few more manuscripts then I will be gone." She nods before looking at Ri,

"See what I was telling you, she is one of our best workers, I see no reason for her not to become a senior editor at the firm." Ms Tau says to Ri

"I will take that into consideration. Would you like a promotion Abiya?"

"Yes, I would like to believe that I am not in a stagnant career."

"Good to know." Why is she even here?

"Is there anything else?"

"No, you can go," Ri says smiling at me, I wish I could return it but I am still mad.

Walking to my cubical I think about how she treated me in there. Was it because Ms Tau was there or is there more? Frankly, I do not care, I have a life with P now, no need to think about Ri.

I took five manuscripts before returning to Ms Tau's office.

"I am leaving now, Ms Tau."

"Enjoy the rest of your weekend," Ri says nothing, just what she would do, I roll my eyes before leaving them to their conversation.

As I wait for the elevator, I hear footsteps, I look back and Ri is walking towards me. She looks sexy.

"What do you want?"

"How are you?" I let out a scoff, how dare she? "I still care about you, Bibi." No, she did not!

"Ri, you pushed me out of your life, why do you care? Actually, what do you want me to do with the fact that you care? You broke me, I put myself together and I am okay, leave me alone."

"Okay, your wish is my command." She nods before turning back to Ms Tau's office. The elevator dings before opening and I get inside.

As I stare at her walking to the office, she looks back and smiles, there is hurt behind it but it is no longer my job to fix her smile, the doors close and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

When I open the door to my apartment, Jojo runs to my legs.
"Hey Baba, Mama's back!" Picking him up, I carry him to my room, as I open the door, he is laying on my bed, thankfully without his shoes and jacket, he is on his phone.

"Hey, babe."

"Hey, when did you get here?" I place my bag and the manuscripts on the table.

"An hour ago, I fed Jolene."

"Oh, thank you. How was the proposal?"

"He said he will call me when she says yes but here is what it looked like." He hands me the phone and it is the boot of the car, the floor is covered in a black blanket, there is a picnic basket and pillows.

"It looks nice, when are you taking me out on a romantic date?"

"I will think about that." I get on the bed and place Jojo at my feet, she likes it there.

"You better get on it." He looks at me as I say that. "I love you."

"You love me?" I nod.

So guys between
Amaya{Amari & Abiya} Or Abier{Abiya & Pacer}
who do you think is endgame?

I love them both🥺

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