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"I am sorry about my family." She says as she swirls lines on my arm with her fingers.

"It's okay, they care about you, especially your mom."

"Yeah, she takes it a little too far sometimes." I am laying in her arms, it feels safe here as it always has. She helped me when I thought I was alone and she was my first ever friend.

"She does."

"But I love her so it's whatever."

"So you are my boss?"

"I am more your boss's boss. Does that bother you?"

"No, I like having you as a boss."

"Oh," she levels her face with mine and plants a peck my nose

"Yeah, I like when you boss me around." Joining our lips, I feel her hands travel along my body, I feel myself trying to leave no space between us.
Her cold hands make their way into my shirt, I feel her hands on my breasts and it felt good, cold but great.

My hand goes into her pants, she pulls away "You sure?" A nod was enough, she pulls my shirt off, untied my bra before pulling my pants down, she pins me into the bed, one hand holding onto my hand while the other grabbed at my ass.

She connects her lips to mine, she feels good, tasted even better and the anticipation of her dominion over my body already has me on the edge waiting to fall.

Her hand trails to my labia, I feel her every move, she has me deep in anticipation. "Mmh." She wraps her fingers around my neck before she inserts a finger into my vagina. "Ahhh." A moan erupts from my mouth

"How does that feel?" She asks slowly inserting another finger

"I like it." I see the smile on her face. She looks at me before she increases the pace she is using to thrust her fingers into me. "Mmh, Ri!" I beg as I feel a rush come over me, she places her lips on mine, I arch my back

"That's my pretty girl." I feel my vagina contracting at her whisper.

After a few more strokes from her fingers, I cum on her fingers. I thought she was going to wipe it off but instead, she puts her fingers into my mouth

"Good girl." I used to cringe when I heard someone say it but when she does it, I feel aroused.

When she is done she lifts my legs and positions herself between my head. I can feel her breath on my labia.

She starts by kissing my thighs, one before the other. Definitely leaving hickeys on them

"Oh, God, Amari." I groan as her tongue glides on my vulva, her hand makes it to my breast, she squeezes it "Oh my word! Ri! Fuck."

"You taste amazing but try to stay still." She says as she places her hand on my breast. 

I feel the sensation grow, my toes curl up and I draw my knees together, in a few moments euphoria washed over me, my toes curl and I jolt before laying still.

Ri comes up and lays next to me.
"That was amazing."

"Yeah?" A nod of satisfaction, I wrap a leg around her waist

"Not how I expected but good."

"Oh, how did you expect your first time to go?"

"I expected it to be a guy and I lowered my expectations to no orgasm and that it would be bad."

"Damn, so the bar was in hell for what you wanted?"

"Well, I wanted a romantic setting and shit like that, all the typical girl stuff."

"I'm sorry."

"You made up for it so all is forgiven." She nods. I move closer to her, she helps me "It was great for the first time, you have set quite the bar."

"Oh, okay, Miss Mopedi." She said my surname perfectly.

"Miss Ziatsev-Goncharov."

"Uh uh, say it like Zite-sef."


"Zite, Zite, Zi-te like site but with a z."


"Yes!" A kiss on my forehead. "Gon-cha-rov."

We spent the rest of the night trying on her surnames and mine. She also taught me a few Russian words.

She was on a phone call when I woke up, speaking German. She is slowly pacing, I notice the frustration she wears, her hand slightly shaking. I cover myself in the blankets and try to wait until she is done.



"I need to go somewhere, you okay with staying here?" No.

"Can I go with you?" She nods. She waits for me to bathe before we head out.

She is driving, she always looked best when driving, I love her side profile.

We get to her office and like last time she is greeted and all she gives back is a nod. We walk into her office and there is no trace that there was a photoshoot in here last night.

"You can sit on the couch, I will have Anna bring you something." Before I go to sit down, she pulls me towards her. "You look beautiful." She says before kissing my forehead. I melt into her hold, she smells amazing, it seems every time I am near her, I feel sleepy.

She joins our lips before she heads out to a meeting. A few moments later, Anna comes in with a breakfast bagel, Mango juice, chicken strips and chips, a pack of skittles and a coke. Anna specifically told me that it was all for me.

I put on a YouTube video before I started eating. It is amazing how much a person's channel can grow with supportive friends. It is so important to support the artists we know.

It took me some time to finish my food but I did, I wanted to throw it out but Anna fetched the tray and went to throw it out. She is extremely nice.

"That took a minute but I am done, what would you like to do?"


"Mmhh okay, but I made plans at a restaurant for dinner tonight."

"What about your parents?"

"I will ask them really nicely to let us have fun."

"You know that is not what I meant." She pulls me closer

"They will be okay with us missing one dinner."

"Okay." She nestles her face on the crook of my neck

"Come on, let's go."

She drove us back to her parent's house. We got in, grabbed some food and went into her room, I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

"Buttercup, wake up please." A sheepish smile creeps onto my face.


"Buttercup, come on and get dressed we have dinner reservations." Oh, that.

"Okay give me twenty minutes." She nods.

The Don's Saving Grace (GxG)✔️Where stories live. Discover now