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She is a tad bit paranoid but it is understandable, given the circumstances. She keeps looking into the mirror and checking behind us, we are headed to the house.

"Maybe we should tale a breath." She takes a breath before she keeps on driving, soon I can see the house.She pulls up to the house and locks the doors as we park outside the door

"What is wrong?" She keeps looking at the garage

"There should be guards at the door and garage."

"Maybe they are changing shifts."

"Shift change was fifteen minutes ago, stay here I will check it out." Why does she think she is invincible?

"I'm coming with."

"No, stay here, I will get you when I know everything is fine."

"Okay." She walks out and takes a gun out of her blazer. She creeps to the door and makes it inside."God, please keep her safe." A few minutes go by and she comes running out of the house, she jumps into the driver's seat and speeds out of the driveway.

Two black cars are following us, that is the only explanation because Ri is driving recklessly and they seem to be doing the same.

"Call Daniella." She orders of Siri. Who in heaven is Daniella? "Dani, can you have the jet ready for me by tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Tell Ivan to go ahead with it."

"Will do Ma'am." She hangs up, I turn to look at the cars and it seems they are no longer following us, Ri does not slow down though,

"Are we going to be okay?"

"Yeah, we are going to be okay."She stops at her building and we run out of the car.

"James, if anyone enters, shoot first." He nods as we enter her office. "Are you okay?" I nod before sitting on her couch.

"Why are we here?" She is on her phone

"It is closer than the hotel I am sending Ivan to go make sure it is safe." She sits beside me "I did not know this would turn to a shit show."

"There was no way you could have known."

"I should have made sure, I should have known."

"But you couldn't, you are not God, stop trying to carry the world on your shoulders." She lays her head on my lap and I start pressing on her temple, she needs to relax, she needs it more than anything.

When her phone rings, she fishes it out of her pocket but her eyes are still closed. Soon she puts it back into her pocket.

"We can go to the hotel, Ivan will take us." 

I am uneasy, I try to seem okay but I am worried about it all, about Ri, if someone is trying to kill her, they might do it and if there is something I am afraid of, it is losing her.

When we got to the hotel, she said she needs a shower. Ri never takes long showers, she says they give her a false sense of security but she has been in there for forty minutes.

"Are you okay?" I ask as she enters the room.

"I am okay. Can you hold me?"

"Of course Pumpkin."

"Never call me that again." She orders followed by a chuckle as I wrap my arms around her.

"It's all going to be okay, one day." She nods "I love you until my last breath."

"I love you in this lifetime and all others." I plant a kiss on her head. Loving someone is like riding a rollercoaster, one moment you are on top, the next you are falling before you start rising again and life twists, you around. Loving Ri felt easy, it felt natural, it felt like second nature. If there is something I could do until the end of time, it is loving her boldly and proudly. I find myself praying that we are together, connected for life.

I woke up to a full breakfast and my bags packed near the door.
"Where are we going?"

"Home." She says while she drinks her tea and reads her newspaper

"Okay." Ivan drove us to the hangar, as always Ri looked stressed, she is tense today not just stressed.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I sit in front of her,

"Just work stress, you want to do something together?"

"Like stare at each other until we land?" She chuckles

"Let's watch a movie together." She allowed me to pick the first movie,

"Are we going to Moscow?" I ask because it has been twenty hours since we left Manhattan.

"Uhm, there have been a change of plans."

"Why did you not tell me?"

"I have been dreading this conversation."

"What conversation?"

"I think it is better for you, if we go our separate ways."

"What are you talking about?"

"I am always going to have a bounty on my head but you don't and you don't have to live like this, so I am releasing you." She wipes the tears coming from her eyes

"No, I won't leave you, I just won't."

"Then I will back away, Buttercup, how many things have you had to give up since we started dating, even before that?"

"I chose love and my happiness, I choose you."

"What about your career, that you love? You love performing, you love your friends, you love your life back in Norfolk, I am not irreplaceable, Buttercup but you are, I can't and I will not lose you but for that to happen, the poison that is my world can not grab a hold of you."

"Amari, don't do this, I am begging you, please." My tears are falling faster than I can wipe "If you loved me you would not want to be away from me."

"It is because I love you that I let you go." She clears her throat

"Ri, we can fix this,"

"I am sorry, Bibi, I love you more than life itself, which is why I have to do this, I can't lose you to death, I just can't."

"Doesn't mean we should break up!"

"Let's not turn this into a screaming match, I will give you anything you need."

"Besides you huh?"


"Why do you hate me? I just want to love you!" She holds me tighter as I try to wiggle out of her arms

"It's gonna be rough for a while but it's all going to be okay, one day." She is using my words, to justify this?

"Don't use my words against me."

"It is going to be okay."

"I don't believe you,"

"I love you, Bibi."


I do not know if they will get together.

The Don's Saving Grace (GxG)✔️Where stories live. Discover now