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Getting ready was a hassle, he is handsy and so affectionate. He spent ten minutes looking at me and he says "Beauty demands to be admired." I became a puddle. I got the perfect man for me in the end, ready to live happily ever after.

"I got your Cosmo here."

"Thank you," I say to him as he sits next to me. The group goes on to talk about their favourite memories with Zale.

There is some commotion at the entrance and we all turn our heads to get more information.
"Sorry we are late, she kept changing her dress." Sounds like George

"I was trying to look my best." why would she be here?

"No don't worry about it, I'm sure they will be glad you are here." They come our way, continuing their conversation. It has been a few weeks since I have seen her. It no longer hurts to see her but no one can just get over all those feelings in a few months, can they?

"Abi, I didn't know you would be here," George says, I stand up to hug him.

"I didn't know I would be here, my boyfriend wanted me to come."

"Boyfriend?" I nod before pointing at Pacer with my thumb. "Damn, okay, let me give him the classic Don't hurt my friend speech."

"He wouldn't."

"Especially after I have a chat with him." I let out a laugh, George is the least threatening person you can come across.

"Okay." Sitting next to Pace, George sits on the other side. They have the chat, I wish I could listen but I am focusing on the girl that is greeting everyone.

"Hey Pacer." He stands to shake her hand before she looks at me. I know those eyes, she is asking what I am doing here.

"Hey, Ms Goncharov, this is my girlfriend." She nods. "Abiya, this is..."

"We know each other." She interrupts

"Yeah, Amari is my ex-girlfriend."


"Yeah." We answer in unison.

"I didn't know you like girls." Zale comments

"I didn't know she likes boys," George adds.

"I like people, not genders."

"Well, it is good to see you." She says before her and George sit together next to Zale and Naledi.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I whisper to Pace before standing up and patting Naledi on the shoulder. We head to the bathroom together, to go and make sense of all of this.


"I know." I cover my eyes with my hands "I did not know that they knew each other."

"Look, at least they are not friends."

"Wait, what are they?"

"She is his boss." My eyes widen as my eyebrows lift

"Say you lie."

"I wish I was babe but at least they won't cause a scene."

"Cause they work together? Girl, I didn't tell you that a few weeks ago, I saw her at the office."

"What? You are keeping me out of the loop?" A chuckle from me

"We have just been so busy we barely see each other unless we are with them so I couldn't tell you."

"What did she say?"

"That she still cares about me but I told her off."

"Girl, Amari does not sound like the person to step aside that easily."

"I know," I whine before I look at myself in the mirror. "But I am with Pace now and I am happy."

"I can tell." She points to the hickeys on my collar, I cover my eyes with my hands "Do what makes you happiest."

"Yeah. Tell me about you."

"Uhm, Zale and I made things official. I also went to meet his family."

"That's huge, how was it?"

"Great, his mom and I got along well, she is a nice lady, his sisters were a little hard to open up but by the time I left, we were best friends."

"How long were you there?"

"A week."

"Girl! You are in love."

"Madly, deeply in love. I love him so much."

"I can tell, let me not keep you from your man."

"Yeah. Let me not keep you from your lovers."

"Fuck you, dude." We laugh before she opens the door.

"Hi, Naledi." Amari,

"Hey," Naledi says before she leaves

"Hey, Bibi."

"Hey, Amari." I stay fixed in my position, she comes closer to me "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing at all. You know, I thought you would move on to a cute girl with a safe job whose favourite hobby is reading."

"Well, you were wrong."

"I let you go to keep you safe and you get with a common gangster."

"He is not just his job and you of all people should know that."

"I know but just like how my job ended up affecting you, his will too."

"Amari, I would have stayed, I knew the danger and I still would have chosen you. I know the danger and I still choose him." She nods.

"If he hurts you or his job hurts you, I will kill him."

"You need to let me go, Ri." She shakes her head

"I will never be able to love anyone the way I love you. We may not be together but I would rather die than see you in pain."


"Go to your man and be happy." She says before going out. Why is she making this so hard?

I went back and tried to enjoy the rest of the evening but her words kept ringing in my ears. Pacer and I left early, partly because I was tired of being in that situation.

"What were you two talking about?"

"Our breakup." I place my shoes on the rack "She wants me to be safe."

"She wants you to be safe? Why did you two break up?"

"She did not want me getting hurt because of her job so she felt it was best if I am not affiliated with her."

"So she broke up with you?"

"Yeah. Nearly a year ago."

"You still love her?" I walk over to where he stands, my hands cupping his face

"I love you. Whatever feelings I may have for her do not matter because I will pick you. I choose you, Mohapi." 

"I love you too." I get on my toes to kiss him, my future and happily ever after.

A bonus chapter for being so late with the last update.❤

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