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Unstrapping my shoes, and taking my jacket off, I take my time taking off my clothes. I notice a tattoo on her side and another on her back as she takes off her shirt. She puts on her pyjamas before getting in bed.

"Ri?" No answer "Ri?" No reply "Amari?"

"Abiya?" I should have gotten drunk.

"Why do you sound mad?" She turns over

"Why would you think that?"

"You have not said a word to me since dinner." God, I can not take my eyes off her lips.

"I am not mad just at a loss of words."


"It is hard watching you flirt knowing I have no right to feel any way about it." Who was I flirting with?

"I was not flirting, I would not do that when I am trying to show you that I like you."

"You like me?"

"Yeah, that is what I have been trying to say, I like you and I would not flirt..." Her lips are on mine, taken by surprise, I do not respond and she pulls away but I pull her back in, I am going to savour this, it feels as though she has ended a drought of touch in me.

She places me on her pelvis, her hands touching every inch of my body, her moans sound of velvet and summer rain, her taste of the expensive wine we had with our dinner. As I try to open her pyjamas her hand stops mine.

"Not tonight, Bibi." I stay on her pelvis

"Why?" Whispered between us, I can not understand what more she wants from me.

"One day at a time." I join our lips again to make sure that her one day at a time thing does not mean she will stop kissing me.
She holds me closer to her as though I were air and she desperately needed to catch a breath.

When I woke up, I was not in her arms like I had been when we went to sleep. As always she is on a phone call, looking at her laptop. She looked stressed and angry but she always looked that way when she was looking at her screens.

We packed our bags and made our way to the dock. We were one of the first people there, beat by Luka, Rob, Katinka and Vera.

"Welcome on, Masi said to tell everyone not to break anything, he values his life," Luka warns before Katinka, taps on his shoulder and they disappear.

"That was a great introduction." Ri's sarcasm lightens my mood. The deckhands take our bags. "Come on, let's go chill with Vera and Rob." I would much rather chill with you


Soon everyone was here and we were drinking more than we should have. I was tipsy and Ri was sober, as she always is.

Someone started playing music and everyone was on their feet. Kash pulled me from Ri's side and now I am with him, Ashanti, Arawelo and George, dancing like we do not have a choice. Kash's hands remain on my waist for a major part of the dance party.

When we got to Mykonos, shuttles were waiting to take us to the hotel. The plan was to head to the hotel for us to freshen up then dinner then club then back to the hotel.

Ri got our room key and opened the door, I place my bag down but as I am about to go to the bathroom, Ri holds my hand and pulls me towards her.

"You want to know why I can not be friends with people I am in love with?" A nod from me, I kind of like angry Ri "because then I can't say anything when they are grinding on someone that isn't me." Oh, it's jealous Ri.

"I wasn't..."

"You were, Kitten, I saw it. I will not compete for your affection."

"And you don't have to, I don't want Kash, I want you." Cupping her face in my hands "Just you." I lean into her, slowly closing the distance between our lips. She brushes her lips on mine

A knock on the door, she lets out a sigh before pulling away from me to open the door.

"Mama has been calling you, she said she can't reach you."

"Okay, I will call her." Ashanti remains by the door "what is it?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing at all." She turns around and Ri closes the door.

While she is on her phone call, I change into a cute short skin-tight silver dress, I get out my thigh high boots because if I know me, I know I hate the cold.

Ri wore a black dress with a leather jacket and black boots.

We went to dinner, sat beside each other and had a good time. We went to the club and had an even better time, I enjoyed grinding and dancing with Ri and having her hands explore my body, in public, I loved every minute of it.

She knew when enough was enough and she called a cab and took me to bed, undressed me and spooned me to sleep, nothing will ever top this feeling.

When I woke up, Ri was nowhere in the room, I showered and got dressed, when I was done she was back.

"Where were you?"

"Had to meet a few people." Oh. "You ready?"


"I am taking you book shopping after we have breakfast." It was as though she had handed the keys of heaven, hell and the seven realms to me.

"Really?" A smile strokes onto her face.

"Yes really, we spent three days exploring, now for the relaxing and enjoying part of the holiday. Grab your bag and let's go."

I could not focus on breakfast when the world had been offered to me. Book shopping, no one has ever offered to pay for my books let alone take me shopping just for books.

At first, I bought seven books, a lot if you ask me but Ri brought ten other books I looked at, so I now have seventeen books added to my collection. We spent the day on the beach, I read while she slept. A great day if you asked me.


Thank you to everyone that keeps reading and voting, you truly make this experience so much better. Please do comment, this is a safe space, thank you for the love❤🥺

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