Chapter 21: His Life of Loss

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Bruce watched as J'onn pushed Krystal away on a gurney to the medical wing of the new Watch Tower. His cowl hung limply from his hand, he felt strange wearing the batsuit with no cowl in the Watch Tower, it wasn't often that he dressed like this in front of his colleagues. Usually he was in the comfort of his own cave like this, with Krystal and Tim working on homework nearby and Alfred offering assitance. He took in a deep shaky breath to calm his nerves and retrieve his cool, he needed to be strong. A hand rested on his shoulder comfortingly, he turned to look at Wonder Woman's daring eyes, which were turned soft now in compassion.

"I'm so sorry Bruce", she said to him quietly.

He sighed deeply. His tears were gone now, he hadn't cried that much since the death of his parents. It shocked him. "Thanks Diana." He muttered.

She nodded, "If you need anything. Just call me." She reminded then she flew to the medical wing to help care for Krystal too.

Tim creeped up behind Bruce, he still had his mask on but tears still found their way of escape from under the mask and his hands were shaking slightly.

"Is she going to be okay?" He looked up at his mentor. He feared what the answer would be.

Bruce sighed deeply and looked down at him. Tim was only 15, still just a kid. He had forgotten how young he was, but now seeing him this afraid brought a shocking reminder to him. Before he could say anything a robotic female voice spoke behind him.

"Recognized. Nightwing." He appeared in the transporter and rushed to them.

"I came as soon as I heard! Is she okay?" He asked frantically. Bruce sighed again, only more deeply this time and looked straight ahead. Dick was able to recognize what this meant. It meant that Bruce didn't know, but he didn't want to admit it, or perhaps he couldn't admit.

"I need you to take Tim home." He said finally.

Dick nodded understandingly and took Tim to the Zeta Beam tubes. Him and Bruce nodded at each other before they were transported away.

As soon as they were gone Bruce began to walk towards the medical wing. He went through larger and more updated hallways of the Watch Tower, passed by an area that had a huge window showing Earth below. He pondered everything as he walked, worried, and calmed himself again and again.

What would he do if she died?

It would be his fault, just like Jason Todd was his fault. He should have never allowed young fearless Jason to put that suit on. And he should have been quicker, but he wasn't, he was too late. Just like he was too late to save Krystal.

Emotions overwhelmed him. He quickly dropped himself backwards onto a chair and took deep shaky breaths again. He had to stay calm, he needed to keep breathing. He looked up and realized he had made it to the medical wing, he was sitting in front of the first room. The white door had a small window that allowed him to see the J'onn, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, and Green Lantern huddled over his daughter as they worked on her.

The image of her laying on the floor, with her damned step father above her darkened his thoughts. Where was Justin? He had to find him, make him pay for what he had done.


He turned to look at Clark. His ice blue eyes were serious and he looked like royalty as he walked by and took a seat next to him. "Bruce, how are you?" Clark asked compassionately.

"I'll be fine." He answered gruffly.

Clark sighed, "Look", he said gently,"I think you should go home. I'll give you a call first thing that some--"

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