Chapter 33: Batman is my Father

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We spent the rest of that afternoon clearing everything up. The rest of the League had come to help out. Batman, Nightwing and Hawkgirl took Crane and his goons to GCPD where he talked with Gordon about a special place to put away Crane. Superman, Wonder Woman, and Flash talked with the reporters about the plane's incident, and Flash's cleared name from the hospital tragedy earlier that year. Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern talked with the officials about the plane and what to do with it.

The rest of us were left on clean up duty and when I say the rest of us, I mean the 'Little League' or the sidekicks as we're sometimes called.

"Thanks for, you know, grabbing the plane and flying it." I said to Kara and Conner.

Conner shrugged like it was no big deal, he was awkward when it came to thank yous and couldn't receive them graciously like Kara or Clark.

Kara smiled with white teeth, "It was your boyfriend who called us." She winked.

Megan's eyes went wide. "Boyfriend?" She asked. She still didn't know about the whole scene between Robin and I two days ago, and she wouldn't dare to read our minds without permission.

Robin came behind me, "Well, I don't want a thank you. I want an apology." He was frowning at me, though I could tell it was a little forced. I knew however that I was in trouble, I had seen it right after Batman had taken care of Scarecrow and glared at me.

I sighed, "I'm sorry, Robin, for leaving you behind." I picked up some torn cushions from the floor and tossed it into a bag. Everything had already been processed for evidence.


I smiled, "And thank you for still having my back even after I ditched you."

He smiled at me in a warming way and I wished that I could see the glow in his green eyes as well. KF sped up between us. He yawned loudly and stretched.

"Well I don't know about you guys, but this is taking too long."

"Why don't you do something about then?" Conner rolled his ice blue eyes.

A large grin spread across the Kid Flash's face. "I thought you'd never ask", he said to him. He pushed me and Robin aside, "Step aside, lovebirds. This is a job for an Allen."

He turned into a whirling blur of yellow and red. Debris from the plane was wiped away with his speedy vacuum force in minutes and our job was done. He came to a stand still next to Kara and smiled proudly to himself.

Kara grinned, "I gotta say, I'm impressed, Bart."

Conner nodded approvingly and wrapped an arm around Megan, "Well, since that's done, how about we go do something really worthwhile?"

Kara agreed completely, "Yeah, summer's almost over, let's spend it doing stuff normal teens do."

"Like what?" Megan asked curiously and innocently. For her, hero work was as close to normal as she could grasp, and basic human citizen lives were a mystery.

"I don't know, swimming?"

I smiled, "Let's head over to the manor. I can help us with that."

An hour later we had traded our suits over for bathing suits and were splashing around in the pool joyously. At least, everyone else was splashing in the pool, I had to be content sitting in the sun because the bandages over my cuts couldn't get wet. Alfred smiled at us as he brought out a plate of snacks and ice cold tea to set on the table just outside the French doors. The day was absolutely perfect.

I was honestly amazed at how much had happened this summer. Starting with a giant robot crashing a party with all of us in it. Then having the Watch Tower blow up two weeks later, discover Justin (AKA James), my once upon a time father, is alive and running some organization known as H.I. Only to find that Scarecrow is behind it all as soon as the Hall of Justice and New Watch Tower has been rebuilt. Then I lost 8 weeks in a coma, retrained, kissed Tim, and faced Scarecrow alone in a plane.

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